Records made by Mervyn Lötter

Records: 49

The following is a list of the records made by Mervyn Lötter in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
30461Alafia microstylis08 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
BT Wursten P Ballings PB1065 JE Burrows BR
Margin of sandforestRoad East of Casa Banana, Sofala0Mozambique1834C2MS80

109433Aneilema aequinoctiale05 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 292 BC Turpin BNRH
Moribane forest, 'Agalaea' site.0Mozambique1933C2MS555

Climbing herb to 3 m high with yellow flowers. In the foothills of Chimanimani Mountains; at the roadside in dappled shade.

21955Aristolochia albida08 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
BT Wursten P Ballings PB1069 BT Wursten BR
Roadside near margin of sand forestRoad East of Casa Banana, Sofala.0Mozambique1834C2MS80

108396Artabotrys stolzii13 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2061 M Lötter BNRH
Serra Choa Mountain, Barue district.0Mozambique1733C3MS1473

Scrambler 8 m high. Occasional-x000D- Habitat: drainage line in forest. Medium shade.

108257Brachystegia boehmii09 May 1998M Lötter
M Lötter 254 BNRH
Miombo with Erythrophleum.5 km S. of Birchenough Bridge.0Zimbabwe1932C4S0

109054Brachystegia manga17 Oct 2005M Lötter
M Lötter 1130 M Lötter BNRH
20 km N. of Montpuez from Mueda.0Mozambique1238D4N0

Coppice growth.

109053Brachystegia manga04 Oct 2005M Lötter
M Lötter 1078 M Lötter BNRH

Tree 6 m tall in riparian miombo woodland. Bark smooth, fissuring on old trunk.

109063Brachystegia spiciformis30 Sep 2005M Lötter
M Lötter 1051 M Lötter BNRH
Zavorra turn-off.0Mozambique2435A3GI0

Tree 3 - 5 m tall in coastal woodland. Flowers white.

108274Brachystegia spiciformis30 Sep 2005M Lötter
M Lötter 1051 M Lötter BNRH
In coastal woodlandZavorra turn-off.0Mozambique2435A3GI0

Tree 3 - 5 m tall. Flowers white.

108273Brachystegia spiciformis09 May 1998M Lötter
M Lötter 275 BNRH
Miombo woodlandVumba.630Zimbabwe1932B2E0

108294Brachystegia utilis07 Mar 1999M Lötter
M Lötter 609 BNRH
40.1 km from Kapiri-Mposhi to Mkushi.0Zambia1328D4C0

Tree 15 m tall

66289Burkea africana09 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
JE Burrows M Coates Palgrave Miombo woodlandCheringoma escarpment.0Mozambique1834B4MS300

Red velvet growth tip

42498Calanthe sylvatica05 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
BT Wursten P Ballings PB439 BT Wursten LMU
In shade on the forest floor among rocksForested slopes below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa40Mozambique1834A3 MS1205

122193Chrysophyllum gorungosanum06 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
BT Wursten Understorey of evergreen forestAlong path on forested slopes below Nhandore peak, Mt. Gorongosa40Mozambique1834A3MS1450

18103Cissus rotundifolia08 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
Climbing in tree on termite hillRoad to Casa Banana, Sofala.0Mozambique1834A4MS104

109446Commelina africana04 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 289 RB Faden BNRH
Save Sand forest.0Mozambique2134B1GI76

Spreading herb with yellow flowers; glabrous except for cilia on leaf sheath. In dappled shade of Brachystegia torrei sand forest. On a sand bank.

109447Commelina africana11 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 297 RB Faden BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp.0Mozambique1933C1MS592

Erect bushy herb 30 cm tall with yellow flowers and narrow leaves. Growing at campsite in bare sandy soil, still flowering in the afternoon.

109451Commelina benghalensis23 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 264 RB Faden BNRH

A herb with 1 m long stems scrambling through grass. Tiny blue flowers. Ovate leaves and red cilia on leaf-sheaths.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]

109450Commelina benghalensis20 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 258 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 55 km S of Macomia.0Mozambique1240C1N179

An uncommon herb with erect stems to 40 cm tall. Flowers blue. Subterranean flowers collected, too! Growing in woodland at the base of a granite outcrop in shade. In deep soil.

109454Commelina bracteosa24 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 265 RB Faden BNRH
Alto Ligonha.0Mozambique1538C1N591

A herb with blue flowers and erect shoots. Leaves linear-elliptic. Growing on a steep S-facing granite outcrop; in shallow pockets of soil.

109453Commelina bracteosa19 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 254 RB Faden BNRH
Reserva de Crusse.0Mozambique1440D2N45

A groundcovering herb with blue-green leaves and blue flowers. Locally common.-x000D- Habitat: Growing in coastal Androstachys sand forest in shade along the gravel roadside., Occurrence: locally common

109452Commelina bracteosa19 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 256 RB Faden BNRH
Reserva de Crusse.0Mozambique1440D2N56

A locally common herb with 'variegated' lanceolate leaves, forming a ground cover. Flowers blue. Growing in coastal Androstachys sand forest in the shade next to the gravel road., Occurrence: locally common

109457Commelina diffusa subsp. diffusa13 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 300 RB Faden BNRH

Herb, rooting at the nodes; with tiny blue flowers with conspicuous 3rd petal. Rare. Growing in semi-shade of forest edge next to road on an earth bank., Occurrence: rare

109464Commelina erecta04 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 291 RB Faden BNRH
Save floodplain.0Mozambique2134A2GI74

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. Bushy herb with lilac flowers and scabrid leaves; in dappled shade of forest margin.

109463Commelina erecta26 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 266 RB Faden BNRH
Save Sand Forest, 16 km SE of Save River bridge on EN1.0Mozambique2134B1GI80

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. A trailing herb with blue flowers on ascending shoots. Much-branched. Leaves linear-elliptic. Growing along the road in sand forest.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]

109462Commelina erecta11 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 295 RB Faden BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp.0Mozambique1933C1MS592

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. Herb with lilac flowers, lanceolate leaves with light green mid-rib. Growing on the edge of forest near the Little Mussapa River.

109459Commelina erecta06 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 294 RB Faden BNRH
Ndzhou Campsite.0Mozambique1933C2MS630

As Commelina erecta erecta in BNRH.Common herb with blue flowers, growing in a clearing in the forest., Occurrence: common

109470Commelina neurophylla14 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 302 RB Faden BNRH
Serra Choa.0Mozambique1833A1MS1560

Decumbent herb with mauve flowers growing in long grass on forest edge. Scattered.-x000D- [Extract from R.B. Faden's e mail to B.C. Turpin July 2010]-x000D- Turpin 302 Commelina neurophylla C.B.Clarke-x000D- First record from Mozambique. The mountains in eastern Zimb

53082Corchorus aestuans08 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
BT Wursten Roadside ditch in alluvial wooded grasslandAlong road at Mukombeze River floodplain, northern boundary Gorongosa National Park 0Mozambique1834D1MS45

Young fruit present

41005Corchorus trilocularis08 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
BT Wursten P Ballings PB1064 BT Wursten MO
Roadside ditch in alluvial wooded grasslandAlong road at Mukombeze River floodplain, northern boundary Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1834D1MS45

Young fruit present

109477Cyanotis lanata08 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2034 RB Faden BNRH
Trail leading up on to Chimanimani Mountain, Banks of Nhamadza River, Chimanimani National Park, Sussendenga district.0Mozambique1933C1MS750

Growing in crevices in granite boulders., Occurrence: common

109897Erythrina abyssinica02 Oct 2005M Lötter
M Lötter 1061 JE Burrows BNRH
40 km N. of Zambesi River on road (EN 1) to Morrumbala.0Mozambique1735D1Z0

Tree 3 m tall. Flowers red.

111831Flacourtia indica08 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
SM Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
JE Burrows SM Burrows 9962 JE Burrows BNRH
W. of Canganetole, W. edge of Urema Rift.0Mozambique1834A4MS90

Small tree to 2 m tall in woodland. Fruit fleshy, maroon.

18115Geophila obvallata subsp. ioides10 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
JE Burrows Brachystegia woodlandLevasflor, Cheringoma880Mozambique1834D4MS200

32444Grewia forbesii08 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
BT Wursten P Ballings PB1061 JE Burrows M Coates Palgrave BR
Roadside margin of sand forestAlong road Est of Casa Banana 0Mozambique1834C2MS80

32445Grewia forbesii08 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
BT Wursten P Ballings PB1061 JE Burrows M Coates Palgrave BR
Road side margin of sand forestAlong road East of Casa Banana0Mozambique1834C2MS80

109917Indigofera atriceps subsp. atriceps11 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1661 M Lötter BNRH
Lulimbo town, ± 103 km N of Unango on road to Rovuma River Bridge.0Mozambique1235A2N791

2 m tall; flowers red, growing on the margins of swamp forest dominated by Syzygium owariense.

28711Laportea aestuans08 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
SM Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
JE Burrows SM Burrows 9970 JE Burrows BNRH
Roadside at sand forestNear Casa Banana, Northern boundary Gorongosa National Park.140Mozambique1834C2MS77

Robust soft herb to 1.5 m tall on disturbed areas on roadside. Hairs stinging.

109223Maerua aethiopica08 Sep 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1855 DJ Goyder BNRH
13 km NE of Nangade.0Mozambique1039D3N177

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- Scrambler to 2 m. Fruits green. Stems green, smooth. Rare-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland, in sandy loam.

109160Mezoneuron angolense05 Oct 2005M Lötter
M Lötter 1145 M Lötter BNRH
Ilha de Moçambique road to Pemba/Nampula turn-off.0Mozambique1440C4N125

Climber 5 m tall.

109481Murdannia simplex21 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 267 RB Faden BNRH
Palma Camp 26 km W of Palma.0Mozambique1040C3N125

A herb with lilac flowers - 3 equal-sized petals - flowering in the late afternoon. Erect stems. Growing in open woodland/Berlinia thicket.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]

117902Oxyanthus speciosus subsp. stenocarpus05 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
BT Wursten Understorey of forestForested slope below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa40Mozambique1834A3MS1230

In fruit

109893Pleurolobus gangeticus06 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2024 M Lötter BNRH
Moribane forest, Moribane camp.0Mozambique1933C2MS500

Herb 1 m tall. Pink standard, purple keel. Common-x000D- Habitat: Forest on mountain slope in medium shade. In soil.

66290Rhoicissus revoilii09 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
JE Burrows M Coates Palgrave Miombo woodlandCheringoma escarpment0Mozambique1834B4MS300

109190Senna singueana04 Oct 2005M Lötter
M Lötter 1074 M Lötter BNRH
Lapala area.0Mozambique1538A1N0

Tree, 3 m tall in woodland.

121101Striga asiatica09 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
JE Burrows M Coates Palgrave Miombo woodlandCheringoma Escarpment, Mozambique.0Mozambique1834B4MS300

iNaturalist record

22030Synsepalum brevipes11 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
JE Burrows M Coates Palgrave Forest that had been logged many years beforeRoad to Chiniziuwa River, Sofala, Mozambique.0Mozambique1835C3MS150

109323Trema orientale11 Oct 2005M Lötter
M Lötter 1093 M Lötter BNRH
Bilibiza area.0Mozambique1240C2N0

Tree in sand forest. Leaves bi-coloured; veins and petiole reddish.

15783Voacanga africana11 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
M Coates Palgrave M555 JE Burrows WoodlandAlong road to Chiniziuwa River, Cheringoma0Mozambique1835C3MS152

In fruit


Flora of Burundi: Records made by Mervyn Lötter., retrieved 5 February 2025

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