Flora of Burundi: Utilities: Living plant images of Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae

Images for each species

This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular family.

Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on the Zimbabwean site.

Separate pages exist which display herbarium specimen images only and all images for this family.

Clappertonia ficifolia
Clappertonia ficifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Kona, a small tributary of the Itimbiri River, DR Congo. © Botanic Garden Meise

Clappertonia ficifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Kona, a small tributary of the Itimbiri River, DR Congo. © Botanic Garden Meise

Clappertonia ficifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Kona, a small tributary of the Itimbiri River, DR Congo. © Botanic Garden Meise

Clappertonia ficifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Kona, a small tributary of the Itimbiri River, DR Congo. © Botanic Garden Meise

Clappertonia ficifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Kona, a small tributary of the Itimbiri River, DR Congo. © Botanic Garden Meise

Clappertonia ficifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Kona, a small tributary of the Itimbiri River, DR Congo. © Botanic Garden Meise

Corchorus aestuans
Corchorus aestuans

Photo: Bart Wursten
Road no8 between road no4 and no11, Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus aestuans

Photo: Bart Wursten
Road no8 between road no4 and no11, Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus aestuans

Photo: David Gwynne-Evans
Lower slopes Mt Mabu

Corchorus aestuans

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mueredzi, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza

Corchorus aestuans

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mueredzi, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza

Corchorus aestuans

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road at Mukombeze River floodplain, northern boundary Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus aestuans

Photo: Bart Wursten
Streambed at base of Mt Bunga, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Corchorus olitorius
Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Alan Gardiner
Catapu Concession, Sofala

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Alan Gardiner
Catapu Concession, Sofala

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Alan Gardiner
Catapu Concession, Sofala

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Bart Wursten
Zambezi Drive, Zambezi National Park.

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mazowe River, Maramba CL

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mazowe River, Maramba CL

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lake Urema Floodplain Edge, Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lake Urema Floodplain Edge, Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lake Urema Floodplain Edge, Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lake Urema Floodplain Edge, Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lake Urema Floodplain Edge, Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus olitorius

Photo: Bart Wursten
Game sanctuary, Gorongosa National Park.

Corchorus tridens
Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Shashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Shashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Shashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve.

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
By gate for path to Pungwe River, Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park.

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
By gate for path to Pungwe River, Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park.

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
By gate for path to Pungwe River, Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park.

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
By gate for path to Pungwe River, Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park.

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
By gate for path to Pungwe River, Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park.

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mutoya Lodge, Kalimbeza

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mutoya Lodge, Kalimbeza

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mutoya Lodge, Kalimbeza

Corchorus tridens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mutoya Lodge, Kalimbeza

Corchorus trilocularis
Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Shashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Shashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Shashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road at Mukombeze River floodplain, northern boundary Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road at Mukombeze River floodplain, northern boundary Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road at Mukombeze River floodplain, northern boundary Gorongosa National Park

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Streambed at base of Mt Bunga, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Streambed at base of Mt Bunga, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Streambed at base of Mt Bunga, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukolo Camp

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukolo Camp

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukolo Camp

Corchorus trilocularis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukolo Camp

Glyphaea brevis No living plant images found
Grewia bicolor
Grewia bicolor

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Shashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River

Grewia bicolor

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Shashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River

Grewia bicolor

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Shashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River

Grewia bicolor

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Shashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River

Grewia bicolor

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Grewia bicolor

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Grewia bicolor

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Grewia bicolor

Photo: Mark Hyde
Camp by Turgwe River, Humani Ranch

Grewia bicolor

Photo: Mark Hyde
Camp by Turgwe River, Humani Ranch

Grewia bicolor

Photo: Mark Hyde
Camp by Turgwe River, Humani Ranch

Grewia bicolor

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along secondary dirt road below Mt Buchwa

Grewia flavescens No living plant images found
Grewia forbesii
Grewia forbesii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road Est of Casa Banana

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road East of Casa Banana

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road East of Casa Banana

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Warren McCleland
Pande, Inhassoro District

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Warren McCleland
Pande, Inhassoro District

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Warren McCleland
Pande, Inhassoro District

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along loop road North-east of Chironde Camp, Coutada 12

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along loop road North-east of Chironde Camp, Coutada 12

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along loop road North-east of Chironde Camp, Coutada 12

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along loop road North-east of Chironde Camp, Coutada 12

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along loop road North-east of Chironde Camp, Coutada 12

Grewia forbesii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along loop road North-east of Chironde Camp, Coutada 12

Grewia mollis No living plant images found
Grewia pubescens No living plant images found
Grewia rugosifolia No living plant images found
Grewia similis No living plant images found
Grewia stolzii
Grewia stolzii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Seldomseen, Vumba

Grewia stolzii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Seldomseen, Vumba

Grewia stolzii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Seldomseen, Vumba

Grewia stolzii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukuvisi Woodland, office area

Grewia stolzii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path to Mermaids Falls, Aberfoyle

Grewia stolzii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path from entrance gate to Great Enclosure, Great Zimbabwe

Grewia stolzii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path from entrance gate to Great Enclosure, Great Zimbabwe

Grewia stolzii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path from entrance gate to Great Enclosure, Great Zimbabwe

Grewia trichocarpa No living plant images found
Sparrmannia ricinocarpa
Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along trail no2, Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along trail no2, Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lion Rock, Vumba

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Upper Jizira valley, Mt Gorongosa

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Upper Vunduzi Valley, Mt Gorongosa.

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Upper Vunduzi Valley, Mt Gorongosa.

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mt Chinaka, Juliasdale

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near World's View, Nyanga

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near World's View, Nyanga

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lusero Forest, Nyika National Park

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lusero Forest, Nyika National Park

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along main road between Lake Kaulime turn-off and Kaperepezaroad, Nyika National Park

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along main road between Lake Kaulime turn-off and Kaperepezaroad, Nyika National Park

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along main road between Lake Kaulime turn-off and Kaperepezaroad, Nyika National Park

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along main road between Lake Kaulime turn-off and Kaperepezaroad, Nyika National Park

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along main road between Lake Kaulime turn-off and Kaperepezaroad, Nyika National Park

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mt Gorongosa

Sparrmannia ricinocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mt Gorongosa

Triumfetta angolensis No living plant images found
Triumfetta brachyceras No living plant images found
Triumfetta cordifolia No living plant images found
Triumfetta dekindtiana
Triumfetta dekindtiana

Photo: Bart Wursten

Triumfetta dekindtiana

Photo: Bart Wursten

Triumfetta dekindtiana

Photo: Bart Wursten

Triumfetta dekindtiana

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Triumfetta dekindtiana

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Triumfetta dekindtiana

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Triumfetta dekindtiana

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Triumfetta dekindtiana

Photo: Mark Hyde
North of Prince Edward Dam

Triumfetta dekindtiana

Photo: Mark Hyde
North of Prince Edward Dam

Triumfetta dekindtiana

Photo: Mark Hyde
North of Prince Edward Dam

Triumfetta digitata
Triumfetta digitata

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Lubuli area, degraded woodland along pathway to Chilongo Falls, Kawambwa Distr., Luapula Province

Triumfetta digitata

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Lubuli area, degraded woodland along pathway to Chilongo Falls, Kawambwa Distr., Luapula Province

Triumfetta pentandra
Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bunga Ranger Camp, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bunga Ranger Camp, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bunga Ranger Camp, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bunga Ranger Camp, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bunga Ranger Camp, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bunga Ranger Camp, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bunga Ranger Camp, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road to Mueredzi, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road to Mueredzi, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road to Mueredzi, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road to sawmill, Catapu.

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lion House, Gorongosa National Park

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lion House, Gorongosa National Park

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lion House, Gorongosa National Park

Triumfetta pentandra

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lion House, Gorongosa National Park

Triumfetta pilosa
Triumfetta pilosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Stapleford road near junction with Penhalonga road

Triumfetta pilosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Stapleford road near junction with Penhalonga road

Triumfetta pilosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Stapleford road near junction with Penhalonga road

Triumfetta pilosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Stapleford road near junction with Penhalonga road

Triumfetta pilosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Stapleford road near junction with Penhalonga road

Triumfetta rhomboidea
Triumfetta rhomboidea

Photo: Bart Wursten
On terraces below Ndundu Lodge

Triumfetta rhomboidea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Triumfetta rhomboidea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Triumfetta rhomboidea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Triumfetta rhomboidea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along path towards bottom of Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park

Triumfetta rhomboidea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along path towards bottom of Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park

Triumfetta rhomboidea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along path towards bottom of Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park

Triumfetta setulosa No living plant images found
Triumfetta tomentosa
Triumfetta tomentosa

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province

Triumfetta tomentosa

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province

Triumfetta tomentosa

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province

Triumfetta trichocarpa No living plant images found
Triumfetta welwitschii
Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukuvisi Woodland, office area

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Valley upstream from Small Bridge Dam

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Main Harare-Mutare road near Rusape.

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Main Harare-Mutare road near Rusape.

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Main Harare-Mutare road near Rusape.

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Kopje Tops, Mavhuradonha Wilderness Area

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nhabawa Camp, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nhabawa Camp, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nhabawa Camp, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nhabawa Camp, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.

Triumfetta welwitschii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nhabawa Camp, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.

28 species found

Flora of Burundi: Utilities: Living plant images of Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae.
https://www.burundiflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-living-images-by-family.php?family_id=221, retrieved 2 January 2025

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