Records made by Frances Chase (née Crawford)

Records: 7

The following is a list of the records made by Frances Chase (née Crawford) in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
109779 Alchornea laxiflora 29 Nov 2008 TM Müller
J Timberlake
FM Chase (née Crawford)
J Timberlake 5576 H Matimele BNRH
Macomia district, Quiterajo. 0 Mozambique 1140C4 N 116

Shrub to 2 m. Inflorescence terminal. Understorey of Guibourtia dry forest.-x000D- Biodiversity Survey of Coastal dry Forests in Northern Mozambique

-11.824722 40.339722 6
112263 Ampelocissus obtusata subsp. kirkiana 9 Dec 2008 DJ Goyder
FM Chase (née Crawford)
C de Sousa
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC369 BNRH
South of Palma.-x000D- Way Point 112 0 Mozambique 1140A1 N 90

Miombo Woodland margin opening on to dambo.-x000D- Long-growing creeper. Leaves 40 cm in width. Flower red in axils with yellow anthers.-x000D- Photos: 3332, 3433, 3435, 3436

-11.060556 40.248889 6
110727 Antidesma venosum 9 Dec 2008 DJ Goyder
FM Chase (née Crawford)
C de Sousa
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC367 BNRH
South of Palma.-x000D- Way Point 111 0 Mozambique 1140A2 N 90

Miombo Woodland.-x000D- Low woody shrub. Stems grey. Inflorescence spike with yellow tinge.

-11.063333 40.266944 6
108275 Brachystegia spiciformis 10 Dec 2008 J Timberlake
H Matimele
FM Chase (née Crawford)
C De Sousa
J Timberlake 5694 BNRH
Brachystegia woodland, dominant tree Palma district, track from Palma to Nhica do Rovuma, 32 km WSW of Palma. 0 Mozambique 1040C3 N 133

Tree to 10 m, spreading canopy, branching low. Bark rough, fissured grey. Leaves with 4 pinnae pairs. Young pods green, massive, woody, strongly ridged on one side

-10.804167 40.189722 7
109064 Brachystegia spiciformis 10 Dec 2008 J Timberlake
H Matimele
FM Chase (née Crawford)
C de Sousa
J Timberlake 5694 BNRH
Palma district, track from Palma to Nhica do Rovuma, 32 km WSW of Palma. 0 Mozambique 1040C3 N 133

Tree to 10 m, spreading canopy, branching low. Bark rough, fissured grey. Leaves with 4 pinnae pairs. Young pods green, massive, woody, strongly ridged on one side. Dominant tree in Brachystegia woodland.

-10.804167 40.189722 6
108295 Brachystegia utilis 26 Nov 2008 J Timberlake
H Matimele
FM Chase (née Crawford)
C De Sousa
J Timberlake 5526 BNRH
Locally common in open miombo woodland on hillside. Macomia district, Quiterajo, Quiujulu area by Rio Messalo plains. 0 Mozambique 1140C2 N 50

Tree to 8 m, with spreading canopy. Bark fissured, grey-brown. Leaves flushing yellow-green/brown. Flowers open, greenish.

-11.732778 40.376389 7
109516 Kyllinga crassipes 26 Nov 2008 J Timberlake
DJ Goyder
FM Chase (née Crawford)
A Banze
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC239 AM Muasya BNRH
Quiterajo. NW of Namacubi Forest, W of Quiterajo. 0 Mozambique 1140C2 N 90

On margin of open miombo woodland and open seasonal waterlogged valley. Growing in shade.-x000D- ñ 10 - 15 cm high. Rhizome present. Linear bracts surround inflorescence. Inflorescence a tight white ball. Uncommon.-x000D- Photos: 2940, 2941, 2944, 2945, 2946, Oc

-11.733889 40.376389 6

Copyright: The Burundi flora team, 2024-25

The Burundi flora team (2025). Flora of Burundi: Records made by Frances Chase (née Crawford)., retrieved 14 March 2025

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