Records made by Kenneth Tinley

Records: 21

The following is a list of the records made by Kenneth Tinley in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
93183Albizia antunesiana30 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1454 JWH Giess WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip: 6 miles south-west of Bwabwata Camp.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D30

70 ft high; Tree; Notes: Tree 70 feet in height (22 ins. dbh) on compacted sand marginal to dambo in scattered tree community of Piliostigma, Combretum imberbe and Acacia nigrescens. Uncommon but widespread in the above situation.

117050Aristida recta Oct 1971KL Tinley
KL Tinley 2192 SRGH
Component of montane grassland. Gogogo summit area, Gorongosa Mountain. 40Mozambique1834A3MS0

Tufted perennial up to 20 cm in height; locally common.

93499Cenchrus macrourus12 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1419 WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Strip West. Kwando Flood Plain.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C20

Grass, up to 304- 426 cm high.

93204Clematis brachiata17 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1437 K Singh WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi strip. 10 miles west of Bwabwata on north boundary.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D30

Climber; Notes: Climber on termitaria thicket in drainage line. Flowers pale orange.

62036Coleus autranii Mar 1972KL Tinley
KL Tinley 2420 SRGH
Near summit Gogogo, Mt Gorongosa.40Mozambique1834A3MS1830

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Vol.8 pt. 8: 266 (2013).

93224Cryptolepis oblongifolia01 Jun 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1450 KL Tinley WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip. Near Bwabwata Camp.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D30

Herb; Notes: Uncommon, widely dispersed small woody herb of 1 feet - 2 feet high in Savanna woodland on sand.

93472Cyperus haspan01 Oct 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1525 NV Clarke WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip. Kwando Floodplain, near southern boundary.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C20

sedge; Notes: Common sedge in emergent aquatic zone of lagoon margin. Up to 3 feet tall.

93218Cyperus margaritaceus01 Jun 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1506 NV Clarke WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip, near Bwabwata Camp.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D30

sedge; Notes: Common sedge in savanna woodland on sand. Up to 1 feet 6 inches in height.

93233Euclea divinorum17 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1445 WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip: Near Bwabwata Camp.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D30

Shrub; Notes: Common large shrub on termite mounds in drainage line. Up to 15 feet in height.

93763Fuirena umbellata12 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1428 WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip, Kwando Floodplain.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

sedge; Notes: Widely scattered amongst other sedges in marginal marshes of flood plain. Up to 3 feet 6 inches tall.

93246Hyparrhenia rufa17 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1447 WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip. Near Bwabwata camp.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D30

Graminoid; Notes: Common tall, 6 - 8 feet, tufted grass on drainage lines or dambos in sandveld. Occasional with Loudetia superba in Aristida meridionalis.

93791Oryza longistaminata12 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1434 WIND
Caprivi: Kwando floodplain. Western Caprivi Strip.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

Graminoid; Notes: Abundant marsh grass on floodplain, associated with No. 1433. Up to 5 feet tall. Rhizomatous and Stoloniferous.

93255Panicum heterostachyum02 Jun 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1462 WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip: North-west of Bwabwata camp.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D30

61 in high; Graminoid; Notes: Locally common on fairly firm sand in shade. Up to 1 feet 6 inches tall. Common in Baikiaea woodland and Guibourtia aggregation shade.

93263Phragmites australis18 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1452 WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip. New Bwabwata Camp.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D30

Graminoid; Notes: Locally common on lowest part of seasonally waterlogged and sometimes inundated dambo in sandveld.

108563Pleiocarpa pycnantha01 Sep 1972KL Tinley
KL Tinley 2718 BNRH
5 km along Urema road from its junction with main Inhaminga road.0Mozambique1834B4MS0

Tree 4-8 metres tall. On pallid sands in Brachystegia thicket.

93266Psydrax livida17 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1441 WIND
Caprivi: Chirundi. Western Caprivi Strip. Near Bwabwata Camp.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D30

10 ft high; Tree; Notes: Small tree or shrub, up to 10 feet high. Growing in association with Baikiaea, Guibourtia. Common. Found on sand in savanna woodland.

93500Rhynchospora corymbosa12 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1430 KD Gordon-Gray WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip, Kwando Flood Plain.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C20

sedge; Notes: Abundant tall sedge, 4 - 6 feet in marshes of the flood plain.

93505Schoenoplectus corymbosus01 Oct 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1522/1294 JBM Browning (née Ball) WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip, Kwando Flood Plain, near southern boundary.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C20

sedge; Notes: Common sedge on lagoon edges. Up to 4 feet in height.

93508Strychnos potatorum12 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1422 MH Steyn WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip. Kwando Flood Plain area.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C20

45 ft high; Shrub; Notes: Common shrub and tree in marginal flood plain woodland. Up to 45 feet in height. Generally at 20 - 30 feet. Produces root suckers.

93838Trachypogon spicatus01 Oct 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1529 WIND
On flood plain margins, river edge, on sectors of the dranage lines (dambos) in the central Western Caprivi.Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip. Kwando flood plain, central sector.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723D30

Tall, coarse, cylindrical leaved grass.

93515Vossia cuspidata12 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1433 WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Stip. Kwando Flood Plain.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C20

Graminoid; Notes: Abundant and dominant. Marsh grass on floodplain. Has same habit and vegetative growth form as Echinochloa pyramidalis.


Flora of Burundi: Records made by Kenneth Tinley., retrieved 18 October 2024

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