The purpose of this page is to display all images (whether of herbarium specimens or of living plants) for each species within a particular genus.
Asplenium abyssinicum |
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Asplenium aethiopicum |
Photo: Petra Ballings Bunga views, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings Bunga forest, Vumba
Photo: Bart Wursten Circular drive, Inyanga N.P.
Photo: Petra Ballings Bunga views, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings Mount Chinaka, Juliasdale
Photo: Petra Ballings Mount Buhwa, area close to tunnel.
Photo: Petra Ballings Besna Kobila
Photo: Petra Ballings Nyanga area
Photo: Petra Ballings Nyanga area
Photo: Petra Ballings Honde Valley
Photo: Petra Ballings Crossing Musapa Pequeno, road to Chikukwa
Photo: Petra Ballings Pit structure, Nyanga N.P.
Photo: Petra Ballings Northern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Petra Ballings Northern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Petra Ballings Northern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Petra Ballings Higher slopes of Mt Nhamudimu, Chimanimani Mts
Asplenium aethiopicum subsp. aethiopicum |
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Asplenium anisophyllum |
Photo: Bart Wursten Bunga Forest, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings Bunga Forest, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Asplenium blastophorum |
Photo: Petra Ballings Nyamkombe River, Aberfoyle, Honde Valley
Photo: Petra Ballings Nyakombe river, Aberfoyle, Honde Valley
Photo: Petra Ballings Chirinda forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Nyamkombe River, Aberfoyle, Honde Valley
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Asplenium boltonii |
Photo: Petra Ballings Tsetsera
Photo: Petra Ballings Tsetsera
Asplenium buettneri |
Asplenium burundense |
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Asplenium ceii |
Photo: Petra Ballings Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings John Meikle Forestry Estate, Stapleford
Photo: Petra Ballings Path to spice garden, Nyamkombe River, Aberfoyle, Honde Valley
Photo: Petra Ballings Road from Mt Selinda to Espungabera border post
Photo: Petra Ballings Road from Mt Selinda to Espungabera border post
Asplenium centrafricanum |
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Asplenium dregeanum |
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Asplenium elliottii |
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Asplenium emarginatum |
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Asplenium erectum |
Photo: Petra Ballings Castleburn Forest, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Asplenium formosum |
Asplenium friesiorum |
Photo: Bart Wursten Ndundu Lodge, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Photo: Petra Ballings Northwestern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Petra Ballings Northwestern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Petra Ballings Northwestern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Petra Ballings Northwestern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Petra Ballings Small valley North-east of Mt Binga, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Petra Ballings Small valley North-east of Mt Binga, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Bart Wursten Woodlands Rd. Naro Muro store, Vumba
Asplenium gemmiferum |
Photo: Petra Ballings Seldomseen, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings 500 m below T-junction of Zona Tea Estate and road to border
Photo: Petra Ballings 500 m below T-junction of Zona Tea Estate and road to border
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Asplenium hypomelas |
Photo: Petra Ballings Maggies way,fern gully, Vumba
Photo: Bart Wursten Maggies way, fern gully, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings John Meikle Forestry Estate, Stapleford
Asplenium inaequilaterale |
Photo: Petra Ballings Chirinda Forest
Photo: Bart Wursten Moribane Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Asplenium linckii |
Photo: Petra Ballings SRGH
Photo: Petra Ballings SRGH
Photo: Petra Ballings SRGH
Photo: Petra Ballings SRGH
Asplenium macrophlebium |
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Asplenium mannii |
Photo: Petra Ballings Bunga forest, Vumba
Photo: Bart Wursten Bunga Forest, Vumba
Photo: Bart Wursten Bunga Forest, Vumba
Photo: Bart Wursten Castle Beacon Forest, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings John Meikle Forestry Estate, Stapleford
Photo: Petra Ballings Tsetsera
Photo: Petra Ballings Plateau below Nhandore Peak, Mt. Gorongosa.
Photo: Bart Wursten Chimanimani National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Chimanimani National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Chimanimani National Park.
Photo: Petra Ballings Along main road between Lake Kaulime turn-off and Kaperepeze road, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Along main road between Lake Kaulime turn-off and Kaperepeze road, Nyika National Park
Asplenium megalura |
Photo: Petra Ballings Along main road between Lake Kaulime turn-off and Kaperepeze road, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Chozi View Point, Nyika National Park.
Photo: Petra Ballings Chozi View Point, Nyika National Park.
Photo: Petra Ballings Chozi View Point, Nyika National Park.
Photo: Petra Ballings Chozi View Point, Nyika National Park.
Photo: Petra Ballings Chozi View Point, Nyika National Park.
Photo: Petra Ballings Chozi View Point, Nyika National Park.
Asplenium mildbraedii |
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Asplenium preussii |
Photo: Petra Ballings Chirinda forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Chirinda forest
Photo: Petra Ballings By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Near to the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Near to the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Near to the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Asplenium protensum |
Photo: Petra Ballings Way to Tsetsera, Himalayas
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Photo: Petra Ballings Tsetsera
Photo: Petra Ballings Tsetsera
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt Gorongosa
Asplenium pumilum |
Photo: Petra Ballings SRGH
Photo: Petra Ballings SRGH
Asplenium reekmansii |
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Asplenium rukararense |
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Asplenium rutifolium |
Photo: Petra Ballings Bunga forest, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings Chimanimani, Haroni river, Tessa's pool
Photo: Bart Wursten Seldomseen, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Parking area, Mtarazi Falls, Nyanga
Photo: Petra Ballings Tsetsera
Photo: Petra Ballings Mount Chinaka, Juliasdale
Photo: Bart Wursten Path to spice garden, Nyamkombe River, Aberfoyle, Honde Valley
Asplenium rutshuruense |
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Asplenium sandersonii |
Photo: Petra Ballings Bunga forest, Vumba
Photo: Bart Wursten Genaina, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings John Meikle Forestry Estate, Stapleford
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Asplenium sertularioides |
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Asplenium smedsii |
Photo: Petra Ballings Zovo Chipolo Forest, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Zovo Chipolo Forest, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Zovo Chipolo Forest, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Zovo Chipolo Forest, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Zovo Chipolo Forest, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Zovo Chipolo Forest, Nyika National Park
Asplenium staudtii |
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Asplenium stuhlmannii |
Photo: Petra Ballings Campbell Morrison property next to Edagon Hill, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings Corner, Chimanimani
Photo: Petra Ballings Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo
Photo: Petra Ballings Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo
Photo: Petra Ballings Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo
Photo: Petra Ballings Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo
Photo: Petra Ballings Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo
Photo: Bart Wursten Northwestern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Bart Wursten Northwestern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts
Photo: Bart Wursten Northwestern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts
Asplenium sulcatum |
Photo: Petra Ballings Aberfoyle, Nyakombe river, Honde Valley
Photo: Petra Ballings Path to spice garden, Nyamkombe River, Aberfoyle, Honde Valley
Photo: Petra Ballings Path to spice garden, Nyamkombe River, Aberfoyle, Honde Valley
Asplenium tenuicaudatum |
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Asplenium theciferum |
Photo: Petra Ballings Forest below unnamed peak North of plateau below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa, forest.
Photo: Petra Ballings Mount Chinaka, Juliasdale
Asplenium uhligii |
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Asplenium variabile |
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Asplenium volkensii |
No images found |