Clematis brachiata Thunb.

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All records: View Burundi records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
853023 Apr 2005MA Hyde
On shrubs in grassy areaCharmwood, Harare, nr entrance10Zimbabwe1731C1 UR067373C14500
128209 Jun 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Climber at edge of woodlandEwanrigg280Zimbabwe1731C2 UR232431C12900
1402123 Jul 2004MA Hyde
BT Wursten
On plants at woodland edgeCleveland Dam, nr dam wall1,30Zimbabwe1731C3 UR035264C15400
1468019 Jun 2005MA Hyde
On dam wall - generally disturbed vegetationKutsaga170Zimbabwe1731C3 UR014170C14700
2013218 Apr 2005BT Wursten
Vumba Rd, nr Inn on the Vumba630Zimbabwe1932B1 E0
6483023 Jul 2006MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
In miombo woodlandBy main Harare/Mutare Rd west of Marondera0Zimbabwe1831B1 UQ626901C16800
6836013 Aug 2006MA Hyde
Sandy Brachystegia spiciformis woodland with rocky outcropsFox Rock0Zimbabwe1832B3 VQ476710E18200
6913015 Aug 2006MA Hyde
Nr rocky outcropBy Pink Elephants' Rd, Cheira Farm, Makoni District0Zimbabwe1832A4 VQ357771C17500
6955015 Aug 2006MA Hyde
Woodland amongst low rocky kopjesHarleigh Ruins, nr Rusape to Diana's Vow Rd0Zimbabwe1832A3 VQ186599C15300
7112016 Jan 2006MA Hyde
BT Wursten
On wide damp grassy roadside vergeBallantyne Park, Harare1,2280Zimbabwe1731C3 TR985345C15200
14644026 Jun 1999MA Hyde
Rocky woodlandNear the summit, Makokwe Hill, Mapor Estate, Odzi130Zimbabwe1932A2 VP379917E11000
1509405 Jan 2007MA Hyde
Roadside verge, sandy grassland, with some small treesBy railway line just off the Harare to Mutare Rd, nr Bromley0Zimbabwe1831A2 UQ292968C16000
16082015 Apr 2007MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Climbing on fenceMunicipal area, Cleveland Dam1,30Zimbabwe1731C3 UR039270C15500
17368025 Aug 2007MA Hyde
Climbing on shrubsDam wall, Greystone Park NR1,180Zimbabwe1731C1 UR017373C14800
25440221 Apr 2008BT Wursten
A Gardiner
BT Wursten
BT Wursten

Secondary vegetationAlong path from Muqueche bridge to Namuli Peak, Sera de Gurué860Mozambique1537A3 Z1350-15.38128737.0657206
282200No dateEdge of forestChirinda Forest60Zimbabwe2032B3 E0Checklist 40
28846022 May 2010MA Hyde
In somewhat disturbed miombo woodlandMacDonald Park, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1510-17.78765031.0291600
28939015 Apr 1989MA Hyde
Scrambling on treesMukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 TR967262C00
289400No dateMukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C0Checklist 10
28941026 Jan 1991MA Hyde
Scrambling over vegetationFalcon Golf Course, Hatfield10Zimbabwe1731C3 C00
297270 Mar 1953OB Miller
OB Miller

Fringing forestBesna Kobila, Matopos570Zimbabwe2028B3 W1430Flowers: pale yellow. [See note 16]0
307480No date0Zimbabwe1731C3 0Tree Society mapping record0
31910018 Dec 2010MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Damp grasslandChakoma, NE of Harare720Zimbabwe1731C1 C1450-17.69713031.1911600
33897029 Dec 2010BT Wursten
P Ballings
Disturbed grassland next to pine plantation, full sunClose to descent into Honde Valley0Zimbabwe1832D1 E1516-18.56243032.7114207
3837608 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Rocky woodland with open areas of bare rock and seepage zonesPath from entrance gate to Great Enclosure, Great Zimbabwe620Zimbabwe2030B4 S1110-20.27188030.9322807
3845808 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Amongst rocksUpper part of Hill Complex, Great Zimbabwe620Zimbabwe2030B4 S1190-20.26751030.9333507
39150016 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
J Varden
In open miombo woodlandTingwa Raphia Palm Botanical Reserve76,790Zimbabwe1630D2 N1280-16.59362030.8303807
42671113 Jul 2007BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten

Riverine fringeAlong road no11 between Urema river and Chitengo, Gorongosa Nartional Park. 140Mozambique1934A2 MS22-19.01625034.4588677
51359021 Apr 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Sandy miombo (mostly Julbernardia) woodlandMacDonald's game park, Ruwa0Zimbabwe1731C3 C1510-17.91231031.2151907
57154016 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
T Thomsen
F Thomsen
Shrubby margin of granite rock areaMt Chinaka, Juliasdale1630Zimbabwe1832B3 E1928-18.36889432.6483397
57861022 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Disturbed areaAt ISPN campus0Mozambique1933A2 MS710-19.04364933.4038337
58899013 Apr 2014MA Hyde
TM Müller
MA Hyde
Sandy miombo woodlandCarolina Wilderness0Zimbabwe1730D4 C1405-17.96449030.8180007
58913013 Apr 2014MA Hyde
TM Müller
MA Hyde
Open sandy woodlandCarolina Wilderness0Zimbabwe1730D4 C1399-17.96514030.8159807
66688019 Jul 2015MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
Edge of streamHatcliffe South Extension0Zimbabwe1731C1 C1500-17.70145031.0774107
68390016 Jan 2015BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
In wooded old abandoned hotel grounds.Rhino Hotel, Old Runde Bridge, Mwenezi1740Zimbabwe2030D4 S570iNaturalist record-20.89454130.7735097
703630No dateMount Mulanje1790Malawi1535D3 S0Checklist 60
73425025 Jun 2016MA Hyde
DB Hartung
T Alegria
MA Hyde
Woodland by streamUniversity of Zimbabwe grounds10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1491-17.78988231.0467017
74962022 Jan 2016BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
In sprayzone forestArea between Devil's Cataract and Main Falls, Victoria Falls National Park.240Zimbabwe1725D4 W889-17.92457025.8504507
76049221 May 2010D Gwynne-Evans
D Gwynne-Evans
BT Wursten
On rocky plateau near margin of forestSlopes of Mt Mabu870Mozambique1636A4 Z1251-16.29398036.4018307
79863018 Jul 2010MA Hyde
MA Hyde
In degraded woodlandBy road down to Raintree, Umwinsidale, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C1 C1380-17.71899031.1901007
80811012 Apr 2017BT Wursten
IAI Nuvunga
BT Wursten
Riverine vegetation by river crossing Boundary stream, Swanepoel Timber Concession, Cheringoma 1980Mozambique1835C1 MS134-18.67507035.1324807
93204017 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley
K Singh

Caprivi: Western Caprivi strip. 10 miles west of Bwabwata on north boundary.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D3 0Climber; Notes: Climber on termitaria thicket in drainage line. Flowers pale orange.-17.87500022.6250005
95556025 May 1999C Mannheimer
ES Klaassen
S Austaller
BA Curtis
C Mannheimer
K Singh

Caprivi: Campsite No.1, Mudumo National Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823A2 0Creeper; Notes: In dark grey sandy soil. Exposure: semi-shade. Uncommon. Flowers: in axillary and terminal sprays; petals 4, creamy-white, anthers numerous; very attractive, with lovely perfume. Leaves: compound, imparipinnate, serrate - crenate and lobed. Branches opposite.-18.12500023.3750002
96647026 May 2018MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Disturbed Brachystegia boehmii hillsidePalland Valley Lane, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C1 C1402-17.73804931.1970377
97064024 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten

Among rocks at base of artificial cliff caused by old mining activity Along road above lake-filled open mine, Mt Buchwa 580Zimbabwe2030C2 S1380-20.62255030.3256407
97854314 Aug 2018BT Wursten
A Iqbal
M Siska
BT Wursten
A Iqbal
BT Wursten

At base of rocky outcrop Along road between Kaperekeza turn-off and Thazima Gate, Nyika National Park 1800Malawi1033D1 N2215-10.58830033.6979607
99447023 Dec 2018MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
By path on rocky slopes in miombo woodlandNgomakurira, Chinhamora CL360Zimbabwe1731C1 C1467-17.55609531.2362287
10132307 Apr 2019MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Open area under gumsBorrowdale Road, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1535In flower-17.78205031.0814117
101371019 Apr 2019MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
WoodlandSE of the kiosk, between road and dam, Mazowe Dam0Zimbabwe1730D2 N1247-17.52249930.9884307
101614028 Apr 2019MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Amongst gum treesBy parallel road to Borrowdale Road10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1536In flower-17.78225831.0814817
10238806 Jul 2019MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Climbing on wire fenceWellburn Drive, by Ballantyne Park1,2280Zimbabwe1731C3 C1527-17.77258731.1004466
1031650 1989Climbing in or at margins of submontane evergreen forestNtchisi Mountain2130Malawi1334A3 C0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-13.36242034.0151605
103328019 Aug 2018M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
J Van Bel
M Coates Palgrave
Granite boulders, rocks and granite slabsAmong Tsindi Ruins 0Zimbabwe1831B1 C1647-18.09267731.7083647
1039330 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Climbing in or at margins of submontane evergreen forestMafinga Mts2150Malawi0933C4 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-9.97785033.3545355
1041510 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Climbing in or at margins of submontane evergreen forestMatipa-Wilindi Forests, Misiku Hills2140Malawi0933C2 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-9.65000033.4333335
1044440 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Climbing in or at margins of submontane evergreen forestMughesse Forest, eastern Misiku Hills2140Malawi0933D1 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-9.65643033.5500205
1046800 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Climbing in or at margins of submontane evergreen forestMusisi Hill and Forest Reserve2170Malawi1033B1 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-10.06233033.6484705
1048570 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Climbing in or at margins of submontane evergreen forestEastern Escarpment, Nyika National Park1800Malawi1034C1 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-10.69010034.0170004
1050860 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Climbing in or at margins of submontane evergreen forestSouthwestern Escarpment, Nyika National Park1800Malawi1033D1 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-10.58380033.7164004
1053590 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Climbing in or at margins of submontane evergreen forestChimaliro Hill, North Viphya2190Malawi1134A1 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-11.09853034.0600605
1053600 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Climbing in or at margins of submontane evergreen forestUzumara Forest Reserve, North Viphya Plateau2180Malawi1034C3 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-10.86725034.1205105
113425215 Jul 2010S Dondeyne
BT Wursten
Zomba Community0Mozambique1933C4 MS200-19.864711 33.259293-19.86400033.2590004
11509709 Apr 2021MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Climbing on a fence under gumsSwan Drive10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1538-17.78921931.0680867
11526501 May 2021MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
MA Hyde
Open woodlandNational Botanic Garden1,210Zimbabwe1731C3 C1512-17.80164931.0548137
116105016 Jan 2022MA Hyde
T Alegria
MA Hyde
Open grassy areaSummer Island farm, Goromonzi0Zimbabwe1731C4 C1551-17.90498131.3518507
123238015 Oct 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
MA Hyde
T Alegria
Regenerating miombo woodlandStapleford Farm, Harare0Zimbabwe1730D2 C1475-17.72543230.8748417
12518607 May 2024MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
MA Hyde
Roadside hedgeWillowmead Lane, Rolf Valley, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1500-17.76764831.1112737

Total records found: 67

Copyright: The Burundi flora team, 2024-25

The Burundi flora team (2025). Flora of Burundi: Species information: Records of: Clematis brachiata., retrieved 14 March 2025

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