Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Albizia petersiana subsp. petersiana | Mporokoso District; Kalungwishi River, Kundabwika Falls. | Record |
Araceae | Anchomanes difformis | Kundabikwa falls | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Cryptosepalum exfoliatum subsp. exfoliatum var. fruticosum | Kaputa Distr., Kalungwishi R., Kundabwika Falls. | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Daniellia alsteeniana | Kalungwishi River, Kundabwika Falls | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Daniellia alsteeniana | Kalungwishi Riverine | Record |
Moraceae | Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus | Kundabwika Falls on the Kalungwishi River.
| Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Entada dolichorrhachis | Mporokoso District, Kundabwika Falls. | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Entada dolichorrhachis | Mporokoso District, Kundabwika Falls. | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Entada dolichorrhachis | Kalungwishi River, Kundabwika Falls
| Record (with image) |
Clusiaceae | Garcinia pachyclada | Kundabwika falls, camp site. | Record (with image) |
Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea verbascoidea | Kundabwika Falls, Olandi area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Prov.
| Record (with image) |
Euphorbiaceae | Monadenium herbaceum | Open woodland in sandy soil by Kundabwika Falls
| Record (with image) |
Euphorbiaceae | Monadenium hirsutum | Open woodland in rocky outcrops by Kundabwika Falls
| Record (with image) |
Pandanaceae | Pandanus livingstonianus | Kalungwishi River, Kundabwika Falls.
| Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Pasaccardoa grantii | Kundabwika Falls, Kaputa Distr., Luapula Province
| Record (with image) |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Strophanthus eminii | Mporokoso District, Kalungwishi River, Kundabwika Falls.
| Record (with image) |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Strophanthus eminii | Mporokoso District, Kalungwishi River, Kundabwika Falls.
| Record (with image) |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Strophanthus eminii | Mporokoso District, Kalungwishi River, Kundabwika Falls.
| Record (with image) |
Dilleniaceae | Tetracera masuiana | Kaputa District, Kundabwika Falls on the Kalungwishi River.
| Record (with image) |
Rubiaceae | Vangueria ferruginea | Mporokoso District; Kalungwishi River, Kundabwika Falls. | Record |