Records made by Andrew Angus

Records: 31

The following is a list of the records made by Andrew Angus in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
80760Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha14 Oct 1952A Angus
A Angus 635 JPM Brenan In Isoberlinia-Brachystegia woodland on Kalahari sand near Zambesi River.Balovale District; Shingi Village, 7 mi. N of Chavuma.0Zambia B0

Tree 30 ft. high with bole 8-9 in. d.b.h. Crown flat-topped. Bark roughly deeply longitudinally fissured, the fissures 1-2 cm apart, exfoliating at base in pieces 1.4 x 1-1.5 cm. Flowers pale yellow. Fruits collected from ground.

80761Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha17 Nov 1956A Angus
A Angus 1443 Alluvial soilAlong Makulu stream Mt. Makulu 12 mi. S Lusaka.0Zambia1528C2C0

Tree 35' somewhat flat-topped, conspicuous with white flowers. Bark yellowish with papery scales.

80762Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha27 Apr 1962A Angus
A Angus 3206 Brachystegia boehmii woodlandKalomo District; Dumdumwengi, S end of Kafue Game Reserve.0Zambia1726C1S0


80772Acacia sieberiana var. woodii13 Jun 1957A Angus
A Angus 1626 RE Gereau MO
Mt. Makulu Research Station near Chilanga.1510Zambia1528C1C0

Tree 30 ft. high. Upper bark yellowish, bole more or less smooth. Old trees have rough bark, deeply longitudinally furrowed.

80240Bulbostylis abortiva27 Mar 1961A Angus
A Angus 2521 C Archer FHO
Wet place on drainage line between large rocks on lower slopes of Katanga sandstone hillNear Mkushi0ZambiaC0

Bulbostylis sp. indet., nr. B.abortiva but with rugose fruits.

84828Bulbostylis buchananii27 Mar 1961A Angus
A Angus 2514 C Archer MRSC
Rocky hillNear Mkushi0ZambiaC0

85042Bulbostylis hispidula01 Apr 1956A Angus
A Angus 1193 C Archer MRSC
Mt Makulu0ZambiaC0

85043Bulbostylis hispidula21 Jul 1961A Angus
A Angus 3016 A Angus C Archer MRSC
Weed of "litongo" gardenNamushakende, edge of Barotse Plain0ZambiaB0

85056Bulbostylis macra22 Nov 1959A Angus
A Angus 2080 C Archer MRSC
WoodlandKapiri Mposhi0ZambiaC0

85066Bulbostylis pilosa19 Nov 1959A Angus
A Angus 2055 MRSC
MiomboNdola W 12 km., Masama Forest Reserve0ZambiaW0

85067Bulbostylis pilosa02 Jan 1953A Angus
A Angus 1096 PRE
Livingstone District0ZambiaS0

81449Combretum molle29 Apr 1956A Angus
A Angus 1265 Mt. Makulu Research Stn. 11 mls. S. Lusaka.1510Zambia1528C2C0

Tree 20 ft. high, dense crown. Fruits - wings greenish yellow.

88221Cyperus amabilis10 Apr 1961A Angus
A Angus 2801 MRSC
cultivated groundLuapula Valley, Chibongo0ZambiaN0

82080Ekebergia capensis11 Sep 1952A Angus
A Angus 406 F White Dense riverine forest On the Solwezi river near Solwezi0Zambia1226A2W0

Large tree 45-50ft high 3ft dbh. Crown dense, rounded. Bark rough more or less deeply longitudinally fissured with transverse cracks forming areas 0.5-1 x1-2cms. Slsh deep red pink

82081Ekebergia capensis20 Aug 1957A Angus
A Angus 1673 F White Bank of perennial stream, Chilanga 12 miles south Lusaka0Zambia1528C2C0

Tree 25 ft high, bark smooth dark grey crown rounded, dense. Foliage dark green shining. Flowers cream with greenish tinge

82082Ekebergia capensis25 Jan 1964A Angus
A Angus 3832 F White With Trichilia roka, Ficus capensis, Nuxia, Maesa lanceolata, etc. in evergreen vegetationAlong the Makulu stream, Mt. Makulu Research Station, near Chilanga0Zambia1528C2C0

tall evergreen tree. In fruit

82210Euclea divinorum23 Jul 1952A Angus
A Angus 7 F White Mazabuka. Siamambo Forest Reserve, Choma.0ZambiaS0

Shrub 5 m high with about 10 stems each 8 cm d.b.h. arising from single base. Bark smooth mottled with light grey & dark grey crustaceous lichens. Slash-OB: thin, dark brown: IB: 0.3 cm. thick, pink outside, whitish inside but rapidly turning yellow on exposure.

82211Euclea divinorum28 Jul 1952A Angus
A Angus 70 F White Mazabuka.0ZambiaS0

Small shrub 2 m high, with several stems from common base. Bark pale steel grey, smooth. Leaves yellowish green.

82212Euclea divinorum28 Jul 1952A Angus
A Angus 71 F White Mazabuka. Siamambo Forest Reserve, Choma.0ZambiaS0

Shrub 2 m high, with several stems arising from common base. Leaves yellowish green. Bark grey-brown with pale grey, longitudinal striations & conspicuous, small, grey, transversely elliptical lenticels. Slash-zoned, purple, green then white, last turns orange on exposure.

82213Euclea divinorum09 Jan 1953A Angus
A Angus 1131 F White In small gorgeLivingstone. In small gorge leading down to main gorge below the Victoria Falls.1200ZambiaS0

Shrub 8 ft. high.

82214Euclea divinorum08 Jul 1957A Angus
A Angus 1635 WoodlandHubert Young Drive Woodlands 4 miles E of Lusaka.0ZambiaC0

Fastigeate shrub to 10 ft. leaves dark green. Flowers yellow, dull.

82215Euclea divinorum08 Sep 1957A Angus
A Angus 1696 Siamambo Forest Reserve, 10 miles SE of Choma.0Zambia0

Tree 20 ft. high with several stems. Bark dark +/- smooth.

82219Euclea schimperi30 Jul 1952A Angus
A Angus 88 Mazabuka. Siamambo Forest Reserve, Choma.0ZambiaS0

Small shrub 2 m high, with several stems, 2-5 cm. d.b.h. arising from common base. Bark grey, smooth with numerous slit-like lenticels 2-4 mm long. Slash pinkish-red outside, orange-yellow inside. Leaves dark green, glossy.

82220Euclea schimperi04 Oct 1952A Angus
A Angus 590 Mwinilunga. 2 miles north of its confluence with the Lusangwa R.0ZambiaW0

Small tree 2 m high with dense crown. Bark dark grey peeling transversely in large pieces. Fruits pale green.

98019Lobelia giberroa A Angus
A Angus 801 Mafinga Mts2150Malawi0933C4N0

Cited in Evergreen Forest Flora of Malawi: 179 (2001).

82846Maesa lanceolata14 Apr 1956A Angus
A Angus 1219 J Ricketson MO
Bank of Makulu River near Mt. Makulu, 11 mi S Lusaka0Zambia0

Small Tree, flowers

83012Newtonia buchananii27 Aug 1952A Angus
A Angus 321 In 'sacred mushitu' near shore Fort Rosebery: In 'sacred mushitu' near shore of L. Bangweulu at Samfya, L. Bangweulu. Found with Trichilia emetica, Conopharyngia angolensis etc.1120Zambia1129B3W0

Large tree 70 ft high, with bole 3-4 ft d.b.h. Bark smooth bluish-grey with pale brown (on branches) or rusty brown (on trunk) lenticels bark thin 1/2 cm thilck, resinous. Said to be a sacred tree. Fruits collected from ground.

83244Phoenix reclinata14 Sep 1957A Angus
A Angus 1773 Islands at the Victoria Falls1200Zambia1725D4s0

Tree, leaves 8-10feet long, bottom pinnae spinons. Common palm on riverbank at the Victoria Falls

84383Pycreus lanceolatus13 Apr 1961A Angus
A Angus 2845 MRSC
Luanshya, Masaiti0ZambiaW0

77377Scleria distans04 Apr 1961A Angus
A Angus AA_2667 A Angus MRSC
Kasama, Misamfu0ZambiaN0

83767Stereospermum kunthianum23 Aug 1952A Angus
A Angus 295 F White A Angus In chipya vegetationWestern Province. District Fort Rosebery. Growing in chipya vegetation near Samfya Mission, Lake Bangweulu.1120Zambia0

Tree 8 m high, 20 cm dbh. Crown sparse, open. Barkvery smooth, pale grey, 1 cm thck. Slash with concentric rings-brown then green; IB white, somewhat granular. Flowers pale pink, the 3 anterior lobes each with a purple band running longutudinally in region of throat.


Flora of Burundi: Records made by Andrew Angus., retrieved 18 October 2024

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