Records made by Penny English

Records: 16

The following is a list of the records made by Penny English in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
98721 Calyptrochilum christyanum 17 Nov 2018 P English
P English BT Wursten In mixed deciduous woodland on rocky hill slope toward seasonal stream Chizarira NP 161 0 Zimbabwe 1727D2 N 992

Large clump growing in a Diospyros mespiliformis

113739 Costus macranthus 9 Dec 2020 P English
BT Wursten On a termite mound in dry deciduous woodland Along road between Bolero and Thazima, Rumphi District. 0 Malawi 1033D3 N 1300

Flowers 13-15 cm high

-10.919750 33.607410 7
113740 Costus macranthus 17 Dec 2020 P English
P English BT Wursten In deciduous woodland in a termite mound. "shortcut " from Rumphi to Thazima, Rumphi District 0 Malawi 1033D3 N 1503

LOTS of them flowering. Most measured were about 13 cm tall, including the ones photographed a few weeks ago. Several were as tall as 15cm.

-10.859410 33.591313 7
112637 Cynanchum praecox 25 Aug 2020 P English
P English BT Wursten In a burnt area, on a roadside bank. Road from Chelinda to the Dembo bridge, Nyika National Park. 180 0 Malawi 1033D2 N 2221

Four small plants, only one of which was starting to put out linear leaves. Small brownish yellow flowers on short stalks at ground level. Seems to attract flies, ants and several other bugs but no obvious smell to the plant. White latex present.

-10.535810 33.852890 7
98722 Diospyros mespiliformis 17 Nov 2018 P English
P English BT Wursten In mixed deciduous woodland on rocky hill slope toward seasonal stream Chizarira NP 161 0 Zimbabwe 1727D2 N 992

Large tree

-17.670150 27.897230 7
43443 Distephanus divaricatus 29 May 2010 P English
MA Hyde Base of Silungube Hill, Towla HQ, Bubye Valley Conservancy 0 Zimbabwe 2129B4 S 700

-21.438722 29.889528 7
43444 Distephanus divaricatus 25 May 2010 P English
MA Hyde Along a trail Mt Towla, Bubye Valley Conservancy 0 Zimbabwe 2129B4 S 700

0.000000 0.000000 0
113697 Eulophia livingstoneana 20 Nov 2020 P English
P English BT Wursten In Miombo woodland. Between Thazima offices and Park gate, Nyika National Park. 180 0 Malawi 1033D3 N 1665

This species was not listed by Burrows & Willis, Sabonet report 31, 2005.

113326 Gnidia fastigiata 21 Sep 2020 P English
BT Wursten In grassland. About 375m south of log house at old stables, Chelinda, Nyika National Park. 180 0 Malawi 1033D2 N 2330

About 25cm high. Some plants were just 3-4 stems, others looked quite bushy, with multiple, somewhat woody stems arising, from a central area, and branching several times. Very small leaves about 10-12mm long. On younger plants leaves seemed to clasp lower stem but on larger, more mature plants, the lower stems were bare. Tiny flowers about 3 mm across in leaf axils on distal portion of stems. Petals tipped with pale blue. Yellow in centre.

-10.585050 33.793810 7
112916 Hedythyrsus thamnoideus 5 Aug 2020 P English
P English BT Wursten Montane scrub Along the road to the Juniper forest, Nyika National Park. 180 0 Malawi 1033D2 N 2455

-10.699740 33.952520 7
113795 Lippia plicata 26 Dec 2020 P English
BT Wursten Regularly burnt grassland Along road to Juniper Forest, Nyika National Park. 180 0 Malawi 1033D2 N 0

Plants growing in small clumps about 15-20cm tall at most. Stems squarish and hairy. Flowers of some plants were in shades of pink, while others were more shades of purple. The leaves were paired, hairy, and ranged from a roundish ovate to elliptic. When crushed they initially smelled quite strongly of lemon but this faded quickly to a generally herb-like smell.

0.000000 0.000000 2
80315 Nicotiana glauca 27 Jul 2017 P English
P English BT Wursten In a dry paddock Near the golf course, Bulawayo. 81 0 Zimbabwe 2028B1 W 1362

-20.173670 28.601720 7
113346 Polystachya dendrobiiflora 16 Oct 2020 P English
P English BT Wursten in dry grass at the edge of the road. A bit north of Zungwara bridge, Nyika National Park. 180 0 Malawi 1033D1 N 2106

There were several single stemmed plants averaging about 30cm tall. One had multiple very pale pink flowers growing along its stem. Three others had only one or two pink flowers. The lower lobe has a small purplish mark. No leaves evident. Area dry with lots of surface quartzite stones.

108133 Romulea camerooniana 15 Mar 2020 P English
BT Wursten In clay soil of the track. Along track to Juniper Forest, Nyika National Park. 180 0 Malawi 1033D2 N 2450

113791 Schizocarphus nervosus 18 Dec 2020 P English
P English BT Wursten In a burnt area in grassland. Along the track beyond Vitumbi peak, Nyika National Park. 180 0 Malawi 1033D4 N 2206

Up to about 20 cm tall. Leaves were just beginning to grow - generally 3 per plant. Flowers light mauve with a darker centre.

-10.807390 33.949690 7
108218 Trifolium simense 15 Mar 2020 P English
BT Wursten Montane grassland Along road that goes to Juniper Forest, Nyika National Park 180 0 Malawi 1033D2 N 2456

-10.713000 33.955417 7

Copyright: The Burundi flora team, 2024-25

The Burundi flora team (2025). Flora of Burundi: Records made by Penny English., retrieved 14 March 2025

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