Records made by Boyekoli Ebale Botany

Records: 21

The following is a list of the records made by Boyekoli Ebale Botany in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
43416 Aframomum alboviolaceum 27 May 2010 BT Wursten
Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB845 BT Wursten BR
Along path by clearing at secondary forest margin. Near Yafira Village, Lomami River, Oriental, DR Congo. © Botanic Garden Meise 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 392

0.697764 24.201204 7
124312 Afrobrunnichia erecta 30 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB1035 BT Wursten CCH Jongkind BR
Riverine vegetation overhanging the water Lomami River just upstream from Lieki 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 0024C3 378

Specimen Meise (BR)

0.686419 24.221100 7
75844 Alchornea yambuyaënsis 5 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
BT Wursten Secondary forest margin. Along road from Yaekela to Lilanda, Tshopo District. © Botanic Garden Meise 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 0024C4 381

shrub ca 1.4 m tall Inflorescence terminal; fruit 3-lobed green, crowned with long purple style arms

0.819460 24.313170 7
41703 Aneilema beniniense 5 May 2010 BT Wursten
Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB155 BT Wursten BR
Along path in moist secondary forest Between Yaekela and Lilanda, DRCongo. © Botanic Garden Meise 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 372

0.805777 24.304430 7
63319 Calopogonium mucunoides 19 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB256 BT Wursten BR
Disturbed vegetation by old ruined buildings Basoko, Tshopo District, Orientale, DRC. © National Botanic Garden of Belgium 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 362

1.229700 23.607730 6
41276 Ceratopteris thalictroides 24 May 2010 BT Wursten
Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB762 BT Wursten BR
Aquatic in small shaded river. Lohulu, small tributary of the Aruwimi River, DR Congo. ©Botanic Garden Meise 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 379

Both sterile and fertile fronds proliferous

1.247800 23.725900 7
124602 Eulophia alta 22 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB717 BT Wursten BR
Apparently growing from soil in the rootsystem of a tree fallen in the river Island near Yaofa, Aruwimi River, upstream from Bomane 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 370

Specimen Meise (BR)

36132 Eulophia horsfallii 5 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB153 BT Wursten BR
Roadside depression at margin of forest Road from Yaekela to Lilanda, Congo River, DR Congo. 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 367

Specimen Meise (BR)

40598 Grona ramosissima 2 May 2010 BT Wursten
Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB89 BT Wursten BR
Disturbed vegetation in old cultivation. Yaekela, North bank Congo River, opposite Isangi, DRCongo. © Botanic Garden Meise. 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 377

0.815190 24.279870 7
85005 Impatiens irvingii 27 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB820 BT Wursten BR
Among reeds by riverbank Lomami River just downstream from Yamfira 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 0024C3 383

Semi-aquatic. Specimen Meise (BR)

0.691950 24.199600 6
124289 Impatiens niamniamensis 7 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB267 BT Wursten BR
In moist forest Yafake Community, Lilanda, Isangi 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 0024C4 392

Specimen Meise (BR)

0.830889 24.328798 7
124291 Impatiens niamniamensis 1 Jun 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB1107 BT Wursten BR
forest on dry ground Away from Lomami River, Yaengo 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 0024C1 392

Specimen Meise (BR)

0.516036 24.166342 7
115554 Jasminum dichotomum 22 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB677 BT Wursten BR
Along a river. Aruwimi River, Basoko, DRCongo 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 361

1.275050 23.737510 7
69023 Leea guineensis 2 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB49 BT Wursten BR
In secondary forest Yaekela, Tshopo, Central DRC 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 381

Specimen Meise (BR)

0.807964 24.284442 6
58665 Lygodium microphyllum 24 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB767 BT Wursten BR
Understorey of forest Along Lohulu River, small tributary of Aruwimi, DR Congo © Botanic Garden Meise 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 365

1.248310 23.728720 7
75833 Passiflora foetida 5 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB156 BT Wursten BR
In secondary vegetation along roadside. Near Yaekela, Tshopo District, DRCongo. © Botanic Garden Meise 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 0024C4 372

0.805777 24.304430 7
124317 Pseuderanthemum ludovicianum 23 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB747 BT Wursten I Darbyshire BR
Mature forest on solid ground Liambe, small tributary of the Aruwimi River 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 386

Specimen Meise (BR)

1.318029 23.971762 7
74412 Rauvolfia mannii 2 Jun 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB1209 BT Wursten BR
On a densely wooded river bank. Lomami River, DRCongo. © National Botanic Garden of Belgium 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 0024C3 378

0.736315 24.224639 7
98311 Solanum torvum 2 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB67 BT Wursten BR
Disturbed margin of forest Near Congo River, Yaekela, Tshopo District 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 379

0.812220 24.279430 7
124682 Urera trinervis 22 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB685 BT Wursten BR
Riverine vegetation, overhanging the water Yaofa, Aruwimi River, upstream from Bomane 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 375

Specimen Meise (BR)

1.275997 23.738390 7
124681 Urera trinervis 5 May 2010 Boyekoli Ebale Botany
Boyekoli Ebale Botany BEB205 BT Wursten BR
Disturbed roadside vegetation En route between Yaekela and Lilanda on the road to Yangambi 0 Democratic Republic of Congo 386

Specimen Meise (BR)

0.809119 24.306438 7

Copyright: The Burundi flora team, 2024-25

The Burundi flora team (2025). Flora of Burundi: Records made by Boyekoli Ebale Botany., retrieved 14 March 2025

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