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The following is a list of the records determined by Frances Chase (née Crawford) in species name order.
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No | Species | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
67177 | Chamaecrista polytricha var. polytricha | 2 Nov 2014 | BT Wursten A Mapaura |
A Mapaura AM728 | FM Chase (née Crawford) | SRGH K BR LMA |
On shallow soil collecting on top of a quartzite rock in quartzite grassland. | Plateau above Tsungudzi river, Chimanimani mountains. | 168 | 33 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1423 | Low open shrub about 50 cm tall with many branches. Whole plant hairy. Light yellow flowers. Only one plant seen. | -19.819630 | 33.110090 | 7 | ||
93203 | Cissampelos mucronata | 9 Apr 2014 | E Tjiteere |
E Tjiteere 14/ch-21 | FM Chase (née Crawford) | WIND |
Widely distributed on flat plain. Growing in well-drained sandy soil in full sun conditions. | Caprivi, Mukwe District: Bwabwata National Park, Chetto village, south of the Trans Caprivi Highway. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1722D3 | 0 | Annual creeper, 30 cm high. Stem slender, longitudinally grooved, covered in short hair. Leaves simple, smooth margin, dull green, bean-shaped, veins running from the base. Leaf apices round, base cordate. | -17.960333 | 22.550028 | 5 | |||||
108996 | Commiphora africana | 26 Nov 2008 | JE Burrows SM Burrows |
JE Burrows SM Burrows 10779 | FM Chase (née Crawford) | K LMA BNRH |
Ca. 6 km west from the airstrip, Quiterajo | 0 | Mozambique | 1140C4 | N | 84 | Tree to 6 m tall, spines absent, bark smoothish mottled grey-white and light brown, thinly peeling to a dark green underbark. In coastal woodland on sands. | -11.765833 | 40.400556 | 7 | |||||
93442 | Markhamia obtusifolia | 23 Jan 2005 | MM Hochobes |
MM Hochobes 1202 | FM Chase (née Crawford) | WIND |
Caprivi: Omega 3; along the road to Kongola. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1723C1 | 1013 | 0.5 m high; Shrub; Suffrutex; Notes: Suffrutex shrub, 0.5m high. Leaves: compound, leaflets opposite, sessile to sub-sessile, tomentose, obovate to elliptic. Inflorescence: a panicle. Flower: opposite, yellow, trumpet-shape. | -17.749720 | 23.160830 | 5 | ||||||
93281 | Tephrosia lupinifolia | 9 Apr 2014 | E Tjiteere |
E Tjiteere 14/ch-18 | FM Chase (née Crawford) | WIND |
Widely distributed in woodland savanna on flat plain. Growing in well-drained sandy soil on a recently burnt area (2013) under full sun conditions. | Caprivi, Mukwe District: Bwabwata National Park - East, Chetto village south of Trans Caprivi Highway. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1722D3 | 0 | Annual shrub, 49 cm high. Stem dark green, thin, covered in silvery short hair. Leaves linear, green below with silvery hair, clustered at branch tips. Fruit a flattened green pod, seeds are divided within the pods. Roots very long, thin and smooth with a light grey main root. | -17.960333 | 22.552250 | 5 |
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