Records determined by Douglas McMurtry

Determinations: 6

The following is a list of the records determined by Douglas McMurtry in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
102487Eulophia cucullata24 Oct 1985DM McMurtry
DM McMurtry 5792 DM McMurtry HSMC
Tall grassveld in very open woodland on grey sandy 'tobacco soil'.Along road Karoi to Makuti, ? 25 km north-west of Karoi.0Zimbabwe1629D1 N0

ADU OrchidMap record

102486Eulophia speciosa21 Oct 1985DM McMurtry
DM McMurtry 5765 DM McMurtry HSMC
In quite long grass in rocky Brachystegia woodland on sandy soils. Harare, S towards airport, off Queens Road.10Zimbabwe1731C3 C0

ADU OrchidMap record

102488Habenaria disparilis26 Jan 1986DM McMurtry
DM McMurtry 5908 DM McMurtry HSMC
Rocky open brachystegia woodland.Greystone Park, Harare1,180Zimbabwe1731C1 C1480

ADU OrchidMap record

102489Habenaria uncicalcar26 Jan 1986DM McMurtry
DM McMurtry 5909 DM McMurtry HSMC
Rocky open brachystegia woodland.Greystone Park, Harare1,180Zimbabwe1731C1 C1480

ADU OrchidMap record

110672Oeceoclades maculata14 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1371a DM McMurtry BNRH
Temane0Mozambique2135C3 GI47

Plants strongly rhizomatous and with thick fleshy roots. Leaves highly inconspicuous and plants almost impossible to detect if not in flower. Leaves with camouflage pattern. 10 plants counted. Rare. In 90% shade on forest floor in dense leaf litter

110673Polystachya dendrobiiflora03 Oct 2005JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows 9103 DM McMurtry BNRH
Nipine Village, 5 km S. of Errego, Mocuba - Gurue road.0Mozambique1637A1 Z493

Tufted, clump-forming orchid growing on bare rock surfaces. Flower stems to 1.2 m tall, flowers pink. On granite-gneiss outcrop in mixed miombo woodland. C. 20 plants.


Flora of Burundi: Records determined by Douglas McMurtry., retrieved 5 February 2025

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