Checklist: Hyacinthaceae



This is a checklist of taxa generated from the database. Genera and species which are either purely cultivated or which are wild species which do not occur in Burundi have been excluded.

To go to the main family page, click on the family name above.

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Chase, M.W., Reveal, J.L. & Fay, M.J. (2009) A subfamilial classification for the expanded asparagalean families Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 161 132-136  
Manning, J.C., Forest, F, Devey, D.S, Fay, M.F. & Goldblatt, P. (2009) A Molecular Phylogeny and a Revised Classification of Ornithogaloideae (Hyacinthaceae) Based on an Analysis of Four Plastid DNA Regions. Taxon 58(1) 77-107  
Manning, J.C., Goldblatt, P. & Fay, M.F. (2004) A revised generic synopsis of Hyacinthaceae in Sub-Saharan Africa, based on molecular evidence, including new combinations and the new Tribe Pseudoprospereae Edinburgh Journal of Botany 60(3) 533-568  
Martinez-Azorin, M., Crespo, M.B., Alonso-Vargas, M.A., Dold, A.P., Crouch, N.R., Pfosser, M., Mucina, L, Pinter, M. & Wetschnig, W. (2019) New combinations in the tribe Urgineeae (Asparagaceae subfam. Scilloideae) with comments on contrasting taxonomic treatments Phytotaxa 397(4) 291-299  
Martinez-Azorin, M., Crespo, M.B., Juan, A. & Fay, M.F. (2011) Molecular phylogenetics of subfamily Ornithogaloideae (Hyacinthaceae) based on nuclear and plastid DNA regions, including a new taxonomic arrangement Annals of Botany 107 1-37  
Pfosser, M. & Speta, F. (1999) Phylogenetics of Hyacinthaceae Based on Plastid DNA Sequences Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 86(4) 852-875  
Pfosser, M., Prenner, G. & Wetschnig, W. (2003) Phylogenetic relationships among genera of Massonieae (Hyacinthaceae) inferred from plastd DNA and seed morphology Journal of Plant Research 116 115-132  
Stedje, B. (1996) Hyacinthaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa   
Stedje, B. (2001) Generic Delimitation of Hyacinthaceae, with Special Emphasis on Sub-Saharan Genera Systematics and Geography of Plants 71(2) 449-454  
Stedje, B. (2001) The Generic Delimitation within Hyacinthaceae. A comment on works by F. Speta Bothalia 34(2) 192-195  
NamesFZ Divisions
Schizocarphus nervosus (Burch.) Van der Merwe
Dasystachys nervata C.H. Wright
Ornithogalum nervosum Burch.
Scilla nervosa (Burch.) J.P.Jessop
Scilla rigidifolia Kunth
Scilla setifera Baker
1079.000 ALBUCA L.  
Albuca abyssinica Jacq.
Albuca angolensis Baker
Albuca bainesii Baker
Albuca melleri (Baker) Baker
Albuca nigritana (Baker) Troupin
1082.000 DRIMIA Jacq. ex Willd.  
Drimia altissima (L.f.) Ker Gawl.
Urginea altissima (L.f.) Baker
Urginea micrantha (A. Rich.) Solms
Drimia calcarata (Baker) Stedje
Drimia hockii De Wild.
1084.000 DIPCADI Medik.  
Dipcadi longifolium (Lindl.) Baker
Dipcadi anthericoides Engl. & Gilg
Dipcadi firmifolium Baker
Dipcadi sansibaricum Engl.
Dipcadi venenatum Schinz
Dipcadi zambesiacum Baker
Ornithogalum longifolium (Lindl.) J.C. Manning & Goldblatt
Uropetalum longifolium Lindl.
1086.000 SCILLA L.  
Scilla achtenii De Wild.
1090.000 DRIMIOPSIS Lindl. & Paxton  
Drimiopsis barteri Baker
Drimiopsis botryoides Baker
subsp. botryoides

Flora of Burundi: Checklist: Hyacinthaceae., retrieved 18 October 2024

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