Spot-characters for:
Thespesia garckeana F. Hoffm.

The following is a list of spot-characters recorded for this species.

Number of spot characters found: 14

Spot numberSpot-characterComment
2 Trees
20 Shrub over 2 m
400 Stellate or dendritic hairs
505 Stipules present
713 Leaves palmately lobed
740 Leaves alternate
741 Leaves simple
747 Leaf base cordate
754 Leaves with a fissure on the underside of the lamina
902 Calyx with an epicalyx
910 Staminal tube present
916 Ovary superior
1019 Fruit a capsule
1104 Seeds with floss (long cottony hairs)

Flora of Burundi: Spot characters for: Thespesia garckeana., retrieved 26 December 2024

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