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Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.
Record number | No of images | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
104217 | 0 | 1989 | F Dowsett-Lemaire | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Matipa-Wilindi Forests, Misiku Hills | 214 | 0 | Malawi | 0933C2 | N | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -9.650000 | 33.433333 | 5 | ||||||
103974 | 0 | 1989 | F Dowsett-Lemaire | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Mafinga Mts | 215 | 0 | Malawi | 0933C4 | N | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -9.977850 | 33.354535 | 5 | ||||||
104510 | 0 | 1989 | F Dowsett-Lemaire | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Mughesse Forest, eastern Misiku Hills | 214 | 0 | Malawi | 0933D1 | N | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -9.656430 | 33.550020 | 5 | ||||||
104727 | 0 | 1989 | F Dowsett-Lemaire | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Musisi Hill and Forest Reserve | 217 | 0 | Malawi | 1033B1 | N | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -10.062330 | 33.648470 | 5 | ||||||
97624 | 4 | 17 Aug 2018 | BT Wursten A Iqbal M Siska | BT Wursten | By small forest stream | Zovo Chipolo Trail, Nyika National Park | 180 | 0 | Malawi | 1033D1 | N | 2145 | -10.574720 | 33.709460 | 7 | ||||||
100863 | 0 | 17 Feb 2019 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Sibale | BT Wursten P Ballings PB2696 | P Ballings | BR | By small stream in montane evergreen forest | Zovo Chipolo Trail, Nyika National Park | 180 | 0 | Malawi | 1033D1 | N | 2145 | -10.574720 | 33.709460 | 7 | ||||
105149 | 0 | 1989 | F Dowsett-Lemaire | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Southwestern Escarpment, Nyika National Park | 180 | 0 | Malawi | 1033D1 | N | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -10.583800 | 33.716400 | 4 | ||||||
104907 | 0 | 1989 | F Dowsett-Lemaire | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Eastern Escarpment, Nyika National Park | 180 | 0 | Malawi | 1034C1 | N | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -10.690100 | 34.017000 | 4 | ||||||
105263 | 0 | 1989 | F Dowsett-Lemaire | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Uzumara Forest Reserve, North Viphya Plateau | 218 | 0 | Malawi | 1034C3 | N | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -10.867250 | 34.120510 | 5 | ||||||
105262 | 0 | 1989 | F Dowsett-Lemaire | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Chimaliro Hill, North Viphya | 219 | 0 | Malawi | 1134A1 | N | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -11.098530 | 34.060060 | 5 | ||||||
34033 | 0 | 31 Dec 2010 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings 1569 | P Ballings | BR | Clearing in riverine forest, next to river | Path to spice garden, Nyamkombe River, Aberfoyle, Honde Valley | 73 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 864 | -18.291910 | 32.960710 | 7 | ||||
52717 | 0 | 29 Apr 1952 | NC Chase | NC Chase 4512 | SRGH | In deep shade of trees on steep rocks beside stream. | South of 'Hope House on Agnes block, Stapleford Forest Reserve. | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832D2 | E | 1524 | 6' 7" frond enclosed in sections | 2 | |||||||
52722 | 0 | 13 Mar 1969 | WBG Jacobsen | WBG Jacobsen 3843 | SRGH | At bottom end of ravine, in deep shade. | Imbeza Forest Reserve, Zuware Forest, Mutare district. | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832D3 | E | 1490 | Low-stemmed, large ground fern, 150 cms tall. | 2 | |||||||
52718 | 0 | Jul 1948 | Fisher Schweickerdt | Fisher Schweickerdt 318 | BR | Near stream in damp forest. | SR Umtali, Pioneer Farm | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832D4 | E | 0 | Rare, fronds proliferous | 2 | |||||||
19747 | 0 | 1 May 2007 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB586 | P Ballings | BR LMU | On wet streambank in deep shade in forest | Between upper Jizira and Nhamassa rivers, Mt Gorongosa | 4 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834A3 | MS | 1445 | -18.434917 | 34.061917 | 7 | ||||
19746 | 0 | 16 Jun 2007 | BT Wursten P Ballings | Shade in forest next to river | Mt. Gorongosa | 4 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834A3 | MS | 1148 | -18.437683 | 34.113750 | 0 | |||||||
112193 | 0 | 9 Jun 2012 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows 12703 | JE Burrows | K NBG LMA BNRH JRAU EOWBL | Western edge of the Cheringoma Plateau, Inhaminga area, Mazamba River Gorge. | 0 | Mozambique | 1834D2 | MS | 192 | Rhizome robust, long-creeping, fronds erect, leathery, arching. In light shade of tall (30 m) gallery forest dominated by Breonadia salicina and Khaya anthotheca, on sandy banks of stream among boulders in deep limestone gorge. Only one population s | -18.560883 | 34.873350 | 6 | |||||
49488 | 0 | 12 Jun 2000 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB21 | P Ballings | BR | Shady, marshy wet area in forest | Castle Ray, Vumba | 63 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B1 | VP72-89- | E | 0 | 5 | |||||
15282 | 0 | 7 Jan 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In swampy area in forest | Cloudlands' Forest | 29,63,156 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B1 | VP708911 | E | 1680 | 0 | ||||||||
52724 | 0 | 15 Feb 1950 | NC Chase | NC Chase 3484 | SRGH | Under tree ferns below top pond near stream, in gully | Norseland, Vumba Mts. | 63 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | E | 0 | 2 | |||||||
52723 | 0 | 15 Feb 1950 | NC Chase | NC Chase 3512 | SRGH | Manchester Park Gardens, Vumba Mts. | 27,63 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | E | 0 | 2 | ||||||||
52720 | 0 | 22 Jan 1967 | WBG Jacobsen | WBG Jacobsen 3040 | SRGH | Swampy gully in shade | Forest on eastern slope of Castle Mountain, Vumba | 63 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | E | 1830 | Small tree fern, stem 1 foot high, fronds 4 feet | 2 | ||||||
49489 | 3 | 1 May 2004 | BT Wursten P Ballings | P Ballings | Evergreen forest, shade | Fern gully, Vumba | 39,63 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | E | 1610 | -19.721870 | 32.775030 | 7 | ||||||
7460 | 0 | 24 Sep 2006 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In clearing near small dam | Small dam in forest off the Woodland Rd, Vumba | 63,156 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | VP757864 | E | 1640 | 0 | ||||||||
52719 | 0 | 23 Aug 1976 | TM Müller | TM Müller 3103 | SRGH | Mixed evergreen forest, damp area on forest floor. | Banti forest | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B4 | VP803699 | E | 0 | 1.6 m fern | 6 | ||||||
52725 | 0 | 20 Sep 1947 | JA Whellan | JA Whellan 221 | SRGH | Gungunyana Forest | 6 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2032B3 | E | 0 | 2 | ||||||||
52721 | 0 | Nov 1967 | B Goldsmith | B Goldsmith 126/67 | SRGH | Banks of Zona river. | Chirinda forest. | 6 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2032B3 | E | 1130 | Fern with pinnate leaves. Leaflets pointed, long lobed. Small plant developes on tip vegetatively. | 2 | ||||||
38051 | 0 | 28 Dec 2011 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | P Ballings | Open overgrown sunny area next to path | Near to the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda Forest | 6 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2032B3 | E | 1060 | -20.421750 | 32.699400 | 7 | ||||||
27955 | 0 | No date | Forest | Chirinda Forest | 6 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2032B3 | E | 0 | Checklist 4 | 0 |
Total records found: 29
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