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Flacourtiaceae p.p.
Byng, J.W. (2014) The Flowering Plants Handbook Plant Gateway Limited, Hertford, UK
Wild, H. (1960) Flacourtiaceae Flora Zambesiaca 1(1)
Trees or shrubs. Leaves simple, alternate. Petioles often swollen at base. Stipules present. Inflorescence of axillary solitary flowers, panicles, racemes or fascicles, sometimes cauliflorous. Flowers actinomorphic, disk absent. Perianth spirally arranged of distinct sepals and petals. Sepals and petals free or basally fused; petals often white or papery or with a conspicuous basal scale. Stamens opposite the petals or irregularly placed, filaments usually free. Ovary superior; carpels fused, placentation parietal. Fruit a berry or capsule; often warty, winged or with bristles or spines. Worldwide: 32 genera and 150 species, mainly in tropical Africa and Asia with some genera in the neotropics. Burundi: 3 genera and 3 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Dasylepis Oliv. | |
Lindackeria C. Presl | Description |
Rawsonia Harv. & Sond. | Description |
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