Collections made by James Phipps

Records: 40

The following is a list of the collections made by James Phipps in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Burundi (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
106595 Acalypha crenata21 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 522a SRGH
Msasa/Mnondo woodland on dolerite kopje on red soilsNational Botanic Garden, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

48723 Adiantum capillus-veneris22 Jan 1960JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2363 SRGH
In damp earth on rocksChiswiti Native Reserve, Darwin0Zimbabwe1631B3N820


48847 Adiantum incisum17 Jan 1960JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2307 SRGH
On damp earth near stream in gorgeSouthern slope Mavuradonha Mountain, Kandeya Native Reserve, Darwin district0Zimbabwe1631D1N975

52104 Ampelopteris prolifera5 Sep 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1314 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
Forming dense creeping mat among Phragmites & occasionally in cracks of rocks. Only found just above present (low) water level. Obviously submerged during rainy season.Chimanda reserve, riverine fringe north bank of R. Mazoe near Welda(?) Pools0Zimbabwe1632C2N940

Common in habitat described. Plant mainly sterile with very long, weak pinnate fronds which produce bulbs on midrib. Fertile material difficult to find.

67928 Aristolochia albida20 Mar 1960JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2587 SRGH
Between Muona and Shire0Malawi1635C1S80

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Volume 9 part 2: 22, 1997

24473 Arthropteris orientalis22 Apr 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1196 SRGH
Riverine forest, epiphyte, commonInyanga, Nyamingura river0Zimbabwe1832B4E915

40945 Bolbitis heudelotii20 Sep 1960JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2836 SRGH
Shaded rocks at water edgeRiver Lusitu near Haroni confluence, Chimanimani520Zimbabwe2032B2E300

Dark green, translucent fern

106555 Cucumis hirsutus21 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 516 SRGH
Msasa/Mnondo woodland on dolerite kopje on red soilsNational Botanic Garden, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

30208 Cyathea dregei1 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 289 SRGH
Shade vegetation below tree fernsChimanimani, where Bundi leaves upper Bundi plain0Zimbabwe1933C3E1600

20801 Datura metel20 May 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1275 SRGH
Cultivated plantAgricultural Experimental Station, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3C1520

Plant flowering when 1 foot high. Flowers large, upright with a double corolla, rich purple outwards, very pale within. Perennial.

22551 Dicranopteris linearis25 Apr 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1244 SRGH
Bank of damp earth above stream, not in deep shade, locally abundantInyanga, Nyamingura river0Zimbabwe1832B4E915

67920 Dipcadi longifolium15 Nov 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1480 SRGH
A edge of vleiKaryangwe Tsetse-Entomologist's Camp, Binga0Zimbabwe1727D3W853

Liliaceous bulb. Outside of perianth segments green, inside white. local.

22394 Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum22 Jan 1960JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2391 SRGH
Common in Phragmites hedge of river bank gardenDarwin, Mukumbura River on road to Tete0Zimbabwe1631A2N520

22415 Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum27 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 552 SRGH
Sandveld of scattered Msasa and Burkea, edge of dam, commonCarolina Farm B, near Pounsley0Zimbabwe1832C4E1035

119377 Eriosema nutans21 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 526 SRGH
Msasa / Mnondo woodland on dolerite kopje on red soils.National Botanic Garden, Harare.1,210Zimbabwe1731C3C1520

34950 Haumaniastrum dissitifolium1 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 337 SRGH
StreamsideUpper Bundi River, Chimanimani Mts330Zimbabwe1933C3E1615

22442 Histiopteris incisa23 Apr 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1227 SRGH
Climber in scrub by streamInyanga, near Nyamingura river0Zimbabwe1832B4E0

22629 Huperzia dacrydioides22 Apr 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1203 SRGH
Rare epiphyte in evergreen forestInyanga, Nyamingwa river (Nyamingura?)0Zimbabwe1832B4E915

34785 Kohautia subverticillata subsp. subverticillata22 Jan 1960JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2382 SRGH
Zambezi plain sandveld, Combretum-Bauhinia scrubSoutheastern corner of Chiswiti Reserve, Darwin0Zimbabwe1631B3N795

22676 Lycopodiella caroliniana31 Dec 1957R Goodier
JB Phipps
R Goodier JB Phipps 229 SRGH
Quartzite grasslandChimanimani Mts., E-side of upper Bundi plain330Zimbabwe1933C3E1615

22682 Lycopodiella caroliniana1 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 348 SRGH
Chimanimani, stonehenge330Zimbabwe1933C3E1675

22716 Lycopodiella cernua25 Apr 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1243 SRGH
Clay bank with considerable light above stream, locally abundantInyanga, near Nyamingura river0Zimbabwe1832B4E915

22701 Lycopodiella cernua1 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 277 SRGH
Short damp grass among rocksChimanimani, where Bundi leaves upper Bundi plain330Zimbabwe1933C3E1600

22715 Lycopodiella cernua15 Mar 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 642 SRGH
Damp tuff near streams, frequentChimanimani, upper Haroni0Zimbabwe2033A1E1250

35033 Mohria lepigera1 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 281 SRGH
On rocks where Bundi leaves Upper Bundi plain. Bundi, Chimanimani.0Zimbabwe1933C3E1590

52686 Nephrolepis undulata3 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 473 SRGH
Riverine evergreen forest in gully.Gully above Haroni, Chimanimani 0Zimbabwe2033A1E1370

80189 Oplismenus burmannii15 Mar 1960JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2533 K

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Volume 10 part 3, 1989: 6.

5530 Osmunda regalis12 Apr 1959JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2159 SRGH
Scattered along shady banks below evergreen trees along small fast-flowing stream.Upper reaches of Wengi R, where it crosses the Mtoroshanga Pass to Concession rd.0Zimbabwe1730B1N1430

Fronds young, pinkish-purple in colour

27649 Osmunda regalis23 Apr 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1209 SRGH
Rocky river banks, abundantInyanga, near Nyamingura river0Zimbabwe1832B4E850

22492 Pteridium aquilinum subsp. centrali-africanum5 Mar 1961JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2881 SRGH
Granite soil, in deeper soil in semi-shade near streamMazoe, E entrance of Mtoroshanga Pass0Zimbabwe1730B1N1490

22479 Pteridium aquilinum subsp. capense19 Feb 1964DS Mitchell
JB Phipps 733 SRGH
On hillside in openBelingwe, Newcastle Estate, 19 miles S of Belingwe0Zimbabwe2029D2RH12-13-S1220

22477 Pteridium aquilinum subsp. capense25 Apr 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1248 SRGH
In scrub and by roadsideInyanga, Nyaminguro River0Zimbabwe1832B4E945

53359 Pteris vittata17 Jan 1960JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2308 SRGH
Robust fern common along stream, gentle slopes of rock, sandy soilKandeya Native Reserve, S. slopes of Maisadonna mountain, Darwin district0Zimbabwe1631D1N975

22750 Ptisana salicifolia22 Apr 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1197 SRGH
Evergreen forest, commonInyanga, near Nyamingura river0Zimbabwe1832B4E915

83434 Rhamphicarpa fistulosa19 Apr 1961JB Phipps
JB Phipps 3298 Shallow pan 30 yards across with 'hard-pan' base. On exposed 'hard-pan' at edge.Mporokoso. East side of Mwery-wa-ntipa, 15 miles southwest of Bulaya.0ZambiaN1158

Annual. White flowers.

41830 Selaginella goudotiana var. abyssinica25 Apr 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1251 SRGH
Common in damp mossy rocks in evergreen forest Near Nyamingura river, Inyanga0Zimbabwe1832B4E0

41826 Selaginella goudotiana var. abyssinica1 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 331 SRGH
Humid shady caves Chimanimani, where Bundi leaves its upper plain0Zimbabwe1933C3E1600

42090 Selaginella mittenii5 Mar 1961JB Phipps
JB Phipps 2879 SRGH
Damp earth in small cave, grass chrome toxic hill Mutarochange pass E end, Umvukwe, Mazoe0Zimbabwe1730B1N1675

48691 Tectaria gemmifera22 Apr 1958JB Phipps
JB Phipps 1186 SRGH
Rocky banks of streams in evergreen forestNear Nyamingura River, Inyanga district0Zimbabwe1832B4E910


52535 Thelypteris confluens1 Feb 1957JB Phipps
JB Phipps 373 SRGH
Stonehenge plateau, Chimanimani330Zimbabwe1933C3E1680


Copyright: The Burundi flora team, 2024-25

The Burundi flora team (2025). Flora of Burundi: Collections made by James Phipps., retrieved 13 March 2025

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