Collections made by Rushworth

Records: 17

The following is a list of the collections made by Rushworth in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Burundi (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
48746 Adiantum capillus-veneris21 May 1968JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 1030 SRGH
In dense kloof forest by dry river bed, in rock crevicesS.E. slope of Wedza Mountain600Zimbabwe1831D1C1620

Quite frequent

48748 Adiantum capillus-veneris28 Apr 1967JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 858 SRGH
In shaded moist soil near footh of small waterfall, in mixed woodland6 miles North of Inyanga village, 2 miles N.E. of main Inyanga North Road0Zimbabwe1832B2E1770

Locally frequent

24501 Arthropteris orientalis25 Apr 1967JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 677 SRGH
Msasa woodland, scattered amongst boulders, commonMarondera, 12 miles beyond Marondera on Mutare road0Zimbabwe1831B1C0

36163 Asplenium stuhlmannii22 May 1968JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 1144 SRGH
In rock crevices 1 mile S of Ruzani river, Inoro Rd., Wedza0Zimbabwe1831D4C0

15553 Blechnum tabulare29 Apr 1967JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 929 SRGH
Streambank area close to main path to summitInyanga, Mt. Inyangani46,54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4VQ83-76-E2225

35786 Burnatia enneandra22 Feb 1967JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 101 SRGH
In greyish mud at edge of scattered pools in stunted mopane areaDina Pan, c. 38.5 km WSW of Shapi Camp, Wankie National Park (Hwange)50Zimbabwe1826C4W1030

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Vol. 12 part 2: 10 (2009)

52655 Christella gueinziana21 May 1968JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 1032 SRGH
In kloof forest by dry stream bedS.E. slope of Wedza Mountain600Zimbabwe1831D1C1620


30193 Cyathea dregei29 Apr 1967JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 912 SRGH
Moist area with dense herbaceous vegetation and short grassInyanga, Mt. Inyangani46,54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4VQ83-76-E2225

22412 Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum27 Apr 1967JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 841 SRGH
Dry sandy soil near river, short woodland, fairly commonInyanga, 6 miles N of village, 2 miles NE of main Inyanga North Rd.0Zimbabwe1832B2E1765

52868 Lepisorus excavatus29 Apr 1967JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 917 SRGH
At edge of stream flowing near main footpath to summit; moist shaded habitat. Common on Tlex mitis branches.Lower W slopes of Inyangani mountain.46,540Zimbabwe1832B4E2230

22486 Pteridium aquilinum subsp. capense21 May 1968JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 1035 SRGH
Open hillside woodland at edge of dense kloof forestWedza, Mt. Wedza600Zimbabwe1831D1C1615

53306 Pteris cretica22 May 1968JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 1110 SRGH
By dry streambank in dense kloof forest.S.E. slope of Wedza Mountain.600Zimbabwe1831D1C1525

Quite frequent

53315 Pteris dentata23 Aug 1976TM Müller
JE Rushworth 3106 SRGH
1m fern on forest floor; mixed evergreen forest.Banti Forest; Mutare district.0Zimbabwe1932B4VP803699E1630

53431 Pteris vittata21 May 1968JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 1039 SRGH
In rock crevices near old mine working on mountain sideS.E. slope of Wedza Mountain0Zimbabwe1831D1C1615

Locally frequent

41404 Salvinia molesta1 Mar 1967JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 293 SRGH
Congregated in sheltered area near river bankIn Zambezi River just above Devils Cataract, Victoria Falls240Zimbabwe1725D4W880

Plentiful (much seen flowing over the Falls.

41833 Selaginella goudotiana var. abyssinica29 Apr 1967JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 935 SRGH
Shaded moist streambanks areas and rocks, common Inyangani0Zimbabwe1832B4VQ83-76-E0

41829 Selaginella goudotiana var. abyssinica27 Apr 1967JE Rushworth
JE Rushworth 833 SRGH
Very moist, shaded area near small waterfall, moist soil near stream edge, plentiful Inyanga, 6 miles N of village, 2 miles NE of main Inyanga N Rd.0Zimbabwe1832B2E1765


Copyright: The Burundi flora team, 2024-25

The Burundi flora team (2025). Flora of Burundi: Collections made by Rushworth., retrieved 12 March 2025

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