Collections made by Horn

Records: 13

The following is a list of the collections made by Horn in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Burundi (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
93733 Chamaecrista absus5 Mar 2006PF Horn
PF Horn Not known MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Near Kwando River, at turn-off to Bum Hill campsite.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 1 m high. Stems hairy. Leaves composite, shiny green. Flowers 1 cm, yellow. Thick clusters of seed pods, brown, hairy with black seed, 2 cm.

94323 Cordia monoica23 Jan 2008PF Horn
PF Horn Number unknown D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi Strip: Masokotwani area, at farmers homestead.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C30

Dense shrub, about 2 m high. Fruit in clusters.

95168 Faidherbia albida10 May 2003PF Horn
PF Horn Number unknown D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: Ncangcara Island in the Kavango river.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A20

15 m high; Tree; Notes: Huge umbrella shaped tree, 15 m high. One, straight, thick stem growing upwards. Bark rough, peeling, light grey, no sap present. Flowers white, 10 cm long, spike, clustered, sweetish smell. Uncommon, in well-drained sandy loam soil, on plain in closed shrubland.

95189 Gymnosporia senegalensis10 May 2003PF Horn
PF Horn Number unknown D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: Ncangcara Island in Kavango River.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A20

250 cm high; Shrub; Scrambler; Notes: Shrub/scrambler. Height: 250cm. Stem: two or three, straight, thin, ascending, latex. Bark: smooth, light grey. Flowers: white, small 1mm, round, smooth, clustered on stems. Grows in other shrubs, long branches, thick. Sap: present.

93773 Hoslundia opposita5 Mar 2006PF Horn
PF Horn Not known MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Near Kwando River, turn-off to Bum Hill campsite.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

Shrub; Notes: Shrubs, about 1 m high. Flowers small. Seed fleshy, orange.

93776 Ipomoea dichroa5 Mar 2006PF Horn
PF Horn Not known S Rügheimer WIND
Caprivi: Near Kwando River, turn-off from tar road to Bum Hill camp site.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

Climber; Notes: Twining shrub, long branches, very hairy. Flowers 1 cm, light pink.

94009 Jatropha curcas13 Dec 2005PF Horn
PF Horn Not known D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: Outskirts of Katima Mulilo.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C20

2 m high; Tree; Notes: 2 m high tree or shrub. Stem single to multi-stemmed, mostly single. Flowers yellow-green, 10-15 mm in size, smooth, clustered. Not indigenous, introduced. Planted as a live hedge in Caprivi, widespread. Propagated from seed or cutttings.

93314 Rotheca myricoides29 Dec 2008PF Horn
PF Horn Number unknown D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi, 11 km south of Omega 3 on a small gravel road to a borehole #Qowexa.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D40

Shrub; Notes: Small shrub with softish stems. Leaves dark green and slightly fleshy. Flowers impressive with four white petals and the middle (bottom) are blue. Rare, in that area. Fire damaged.

95092 Rotheca myricoides23 Dec 2003PF Horn
PF Horn Number unknown C Mannheimer WIND
Caprivi: Katima Mulilo District: near Mangamba - 2 km from tar road from Rundu to Divundu.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A20

150 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Straight shrub, 150 cm high. Stems many, straight, thin, growing upwards. Bark glandular, light grey. Flowers light mauve/green, smooth, clustered. Uncommon, in well-drained sand in interdunal street, in open woodland.

93800 Spermacoce senensis5 Mar 2006PF Horn
PF Horn Not known MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Katima Mulilo District: near Kwando River, at turn-off to Bum Hill campsite.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

Herb; Notes: Annual herb, with few erect stems. Flowers white, small, axillary.

95339 Tacazzea apiculata10 May 2003PF Horn
PF Horn Number unknown D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: Ncangcara Island in Kavango River.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A20

150 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Shrub. Height: 150cm. Stem: many, straight, thin, growing upwards, white. Bark: rough, glandular, papery, dark brown. Fruit: brown, 8-10cm, pointed pod, rough sandpapery texture, clustered. Sap: none.

93403 Vitex mombassae29 Dec 2007PF Horn
PF Horn Number unknown D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: About 11 km south of the tar road at Omega 3. Near a borehole at #Qowexa.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D40

Shrub; Notes: Shrub with soft stems, growing in thick stands, about 1 m high. Flowers white to light lilac. Not common. Damaged by fire.

94553 Vitex mombassae24 Jan 2008PF Horn
PF Horn Number unknown D Lutombi MM Uiras WIND
Caprivi: On gravel road from Bukalo to Kabbe, near Lusese.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D10

Tree; Notes: Tree about 3 m high. Bark white-grey, very thick and fissured .


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The Burundi flora team (2025). Flora of Burundi: Collections made by Horn., retrieved 13 March 2025

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