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Quarter degree square: 1527C1, 1526C2, 1528C3 Country: Zambia Habitat: floodplain Altitude range: 980-1065 m Annual rainfall: 551-650 mm Location (short): Southern Province Location (detailed): A vast floodplain, extending for c. 140 miles along the river, being 10-30 miles wide, flooded annually by the Kafue River. Lochinvar NP and Blue Lagoon NP are part of Kafue Flats. |
The main river channel is bordered by levees, lagoons, oxbows and smaller channels, some of which support much aquatic vegetation, such as water lilies Nymphaea. Permanent swamp occurs in depressions and is dominated by reed mace Typha with some papyrus and Phragmites, but most of the area comprises vast stretches of seasonally inundated floodplain, dominated by a variety of grass species. The floodplains are bordered by termitaria, scrub, munga woodland and scattered patches of palm savanna (Hyphaene and Borassus).
You can find the checklist and index of all plants and trees that occur in the Kafue Flats area on website "Nature Zambia"
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