Location: Nsumbu National Park Zambia

General Information

Quarter degree square: 0831C2, 0830C4, 0830D1

Country: Zambia

Habitat: The Park has rocky but also sandy stretches, riparian forest and various woodland types.

Altitude range: 773-1433 m

Annual rainfall: 1051-1150 mm

Location (short): The park sits at the southern end of Lake Tanganyika and includes about 100km of its shoreline.

Location (detailed): National Park No. I9, 2020 sq km., situated in Kaputa and Mbala Districts. The park sits at the southern end of Lake Tanganyika and includes about 100km of its shoreline. The park is bisected from south-west to north-east by the Lufubu River in what's known as the Yendwe Valley.


This is a typical Rift Valley lake with dramatic steep sides for much of its length and a maximum depth of 1470m. In most places the shore is rocky but there are also sandy stretches. Other features of the lake shore are two Pfomontories known as Cape Nundo and the lnangu Peninsula. The park is bisected from south-west to north-east by the Lufubu River in what's known as the Yendwe Valley. Where this and other similar valleys broaden and meet the lake there are groves of riparian trees such as Acacia albida and Trichilia emetica. Elsewhere in the river valleys there is Pteleopsis anisoptera woodland and the remainder of the park comprises various woodland types (including miombo and areas dominated by Pterocarpus angolensis) and large stretches ofItigi thicket. Itigi thicket is also found in small pockets in DRC and more extensively in Tanzania and characteristic plants include Bussea massaiensis subsp. floribunda (Casesalpinioideae), Pseudoprosopis fischeri (Mimosoideae) and Burttia prunoides (Connaraceae) (White 1983). The woodland and savanna associated with Itigi thicket have species with restricted ranges such as the trees Strophanthus eminii and an undescribed species of Stereospermum (M. Bingham in liu.].

Useful links

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Flora of Burundi: Location details: Nsumbu National Park Zambia .
https://www.burundiflora.com/speciesdata/location-display.php?location_id=108, retrieved 18 October 2024

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